New Beginnings | Teen Ink

New Beginnings

March 11, 2022
By Anonymous

When I think of my childhood and my mother, I immediately think about the kind of learning processes that I have been through. Some of my learning experiences have been very Pavlovian in nature. I would learn to associate certain sounds and expressions with different events and proceedings. For example, I remember that I would get a pop on the back of my hand from my mother for touching the electric cable that hung from the electric iron. After this happened a few times, I didn’t touch it anymore since I knew that my mother would hit my hand and I did not want to be hit. I think all these things that my mother did with me ended up in making up the personality and the identity that I have today.

Personal identity can be divided into three areas, the body, the memory, and the soul. I feel that I am also in touch with each of these parts of identity. I know that the body, but that I have is the same one that I have always possessed. It has changed considerable since I was born, but it is still the same body. I remember looking at myself when I was a little child and wondering how long it would be until I can be tall enough to look in the mirror without having to stand up on a stool and how I would look when I grow up. Now that I am grown up and I look at myself in the mirror, I wonder exactly how I must have looked to myself when I was a little child. It is all so strange that a person wants to grow up so quickly when one is a child but then wants to stay young forever. Sometimes I end up wishing that I was a child again so that I do not have to do all the things that I have to do. Sometimes I wish that I can just run back into time and become the irresponsible, simple little boy that I used to be.

Growing up will sneak up on us before we know it, it is important to cherish every moment of being a child that you have. As time goes by, we are going to look back on all the stuff we’ve done that we no longer do. Several changes will be made in our lifestyle and lots of stuff will change. You as a person will grow and learn. Growing up is not about what is wrong and what is right, but it is about taking responsibility for yourself and dealing with the consequences and live your ambitions and dreams. So basically, being grown up is about how you deal with situations in a mature way. Growing up is not an easy process we must all go through in life. Everyone grows mentally and physically at their own rate. You grew up when you can learn from mistakes. You do not make the same mistakes again and again.

In order to grow, must also come maturity. Maturity is rooted in the concept of change, which implies that change is necessary for growth. A child must change-physically, emotionally, mentally-in order to eventually become an adult. Maturity isn’t what you do, it’s how you do what you do. There are aspects of yourself that you will need to change in order to live by your priorities, and second, your priorities may change over the course which is normal. One of the most important things to know in maturing is learning from your mistakes-and in order to learn from them, you must accept responsibility for them.

Sometimes the best part of being a grown up is just being an adult. It’s the personal and financial success that comes from maturity, the freedom of adulthood, the respect you get from your peers and the joy of working hard to play hard. On the other hand, the best part of being an adult is the exact opposite-it’s the freedom to still act like a kid whenever you want, to go against the grain, to quit your job and take that road trip and figure it all out when your back, to follow your dreams and take the kind of chances you know would get you a lecture on responsibility from your parents. Sometimes you just have to let loose and live!

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