The obsession with Money. | Teen Ink

The obsession with Money.

September 27, 2021
By Anonymous

Why Money can't buy happiness?

  Why money is important? Why do people are obsessed with it so much to state that ''Money can buy happiness''?. While Money can fulfill our needs and extravagant ''wants'', it doesn’t necessarily means that it can buy happiness and solve all the problems of life. Now let's proceed towards happiness. Happiness is NOT buying luxurious and extravagant things, Neither it's overspending the money and self-pampering yourself too much nor living in costly hotels while travelling. Then, what is happiness? Happiness is enjoying and appreciating little things in life. Happiness is sleeping peacefully at night, dancing in rain, spending quality time with your friends and family and to have a life free of toxicity.

 1) What are some things that CANNOT be bought with money?

To gain money you have to work recklessly. Doesn’t that make you stressful? Yes, sometimes it does. People will be sometimes attracted to your money and genuinely not you. They will build friendship with you to later use you for money. It's true that very rich people have toxic friends and not the genuine one. Once you are stuck in a problem, they will be nowhere to be found. They won't cheer you up when you are sad, they won't be able to handle your mood swings and walk out of your life immediately if something bad happens. Once you will face downfall, it can affect your monthly payment. Those ''fake friends'' will immediately leave you and ignore your efforts because the purpose for which they were with you has ended and fulfilled. So why would they stay?. It will wound your heart very deeply. The obsession with money is so pernicious that it can destroy you. E.G. you will eventually begin to think that money can solve everything which can also lead you to bribing people. Money cannot buy you MENTAL PEACE. Yes you can go to therapy but even this won't help you  to overcome the toxicity in life. Other things which money cannot buy are love, time and affection.

Why is love, time and affection important more than money?

What if you live in a toxic household but your needs and luxurious "wants" are being Fulfilled? What if your mother and father works 24\7 and from time to time are travelling to different country for work purposes and are not being able to give you time and love?. This will affect your personality when you grow up. You might become that cold and private person when you grow up because you haven't received motherly and fatherly love and affection since your childhood but those costly things. You won't know what it's like to receive genuine affection and time. Love, time and affection can change a person. You can break the ice by giving love and care to someone. Doesn’t this prove that Love, time and affection can't be bought with money?.  The value and effect of Love, time and affection will ALWAYS overpower the value and effect of money. When you receive love, time and attention from your loved ones it will truly warm your heart and make you happy.

What is the value of respect over money:

It's very simple that Money cannot gain you respect from people. Respect can be gained to every single person who indeed help people in their times of stress, who comfort others and always make everyone around him\her safe. When you are respected and appreciated you really start to feel little proud of your small efforts. What if you are that rich and rude CEO who always take out his rage on his workers for minor mistakes? Will those workers forgive you and respect you for your pathetic behavior? No they won't respect you but on your face they will pretend that they really do. Deep down in their hearts, hatred for you will grow immensely. One more example similar to this  is the presidents in some country who are living a beautiful life and are not sensitive to the needs of its country people. The people will hate these politicians and NOT respect them. They will question their decisions as to why they voted for such types of politician. Those politicians have money but have still not gained respect. At some point they will also get frustrated as to why people are not respecting them without looking at their own actions, which could also destroy their happiness. This clearly shows how pernicious is the effect of money, the person had become so full of negativity and selfishness because of money and still questions why nobody respect them. They are destroying themselves as well as other people's happiness.

Why money Can't buy health?

You can be living in a royal palace, get your food checked by the nutritionist, eat the expensive salads and fruits to ensure hygiene but can still face unexpected threatening disease. Having a good health is vital example of happiness. Sometimes money cannot return you your health. You may be treated in the finest hospital but still die an unexpected death. You can't run away from what is written in your fate. What is the purpose of all that wealth when you are not in a good condition. At that point of your life you will  realize that money cannot save you from pain and living in a deluxe hotel room does not reduce your pain. You will constantly pray for the good health so you can live your life pain-free.

Taking all these factors in mind, it is evident that the money only buys you ''temporary'' happiness and that you will never feel happy if you become ignorant of the little good things around you. Human's greed have no end, maybe you might  become that rich and successful person but you can be still craving for more. People who say that ''Money can buy happiness" are immature and it is so easy for them to say this because they are blessed with those little things in their life. They are blessed with freedom , good health, love, affection, time and care. Maybe that is why it's so easy for them to state that money is the reason for human's contentment. As the wise man once said, "If you want to feel rich, count all the things you have that money cannot buy".

The author's comments:

Hi everyone!.

I wanted to share my thoughts on this statement ''Money can buy happiness'', so here i am!. Analyzing and observing so many things around me, i finally came to a conclusion that money cannot buy happiness! You're vely welcome to read my piece of work. Again, i would appreciate it if you respect my opinion!. I am still an student and English is not my first language so please accept my flaws and mistakes if there are any!. Please make sure to leave your thoughts on this article and vote if you like it!

Warm Regards. 

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