Don't Be Bitter, Save The Critters! | Teen Ink

Don't Be Bitter, Save The Critters!

May 9, 2021
By emmamullen04 BRONZE, Millsboro, Delaware
emmamullen04 BRONZE, Millsboro, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Change the world by being yourself. – Amy Poehler

   In many types of ways, cosmetic testing on animals is wrong. It is truly unbelievable to see how many products people use on a day-to-day basis, not knowing that what they’re using has killed an innocent dog, rabbit, mouse, etc. When a person goes into the bathroom to use their favorite hair or makeup product, do they realize what that product has done to animals? No, not usually, and that is the problem. Not many people are aware of this issue, nor do most check to see if the products they buy are cruelty-free. Animals have been suffering from cosmetic testing for decades, and it does still go on today. Moreover, it has not been completely stopped here in the U.S. because citizens do not quite know what happens in the testing labs, nor do they know about other substitutes America could have for cosmetics besides animals, so they do not think to protest about it. And, not to mention most are not aware that animals die and suffer just for human’s ‘safety’ during testing when the results are not even very helpful. 

     It isn’t like the world will crumble if animal testing stops, it is not even 100% beneficial anyway. For one, most test results are completely inaccurate. In testing labs, scientists and CEOs of brands often seem to have the mindset that whatever happens to an animal’s skin, or body, that same thing will happen when put on a human, well, at least that is the impression. Either way, this is unreasonable and incorrect. In reality, there is only a 5%-25% chance of an agreement between human and animal test results. 90% of the time a drug that passes an animal test fails miserably in first trials on human subjects. (Tampa Bay Newswire, "Inaccurate test results", 5 Reasons Why Animal Testing Should Ban Worldwide, Post, 2020). Meaning, that when an unreleased product is tested on an animal, whether it being blush, or something like shampoo, the reaction from an animal is almost guaranteed to be different from a human reaction. The animal could get hives from it, and the human could not, or vice versa. What is trying to be said is, no matter what is tested on an animal, it should not be the source of seeing if it’s okay to be put on/used on a human or not. So why even test on them? There is no point. Keep in mind, this affects not only animals' health and wellbeing, but humans’ as well. 

     Not only are the testing results unreliable, within the process innocent animals are being tortured. Imagine someone’s family dog, or another animal being taken away to be tested on and possibly killed afterward. That thought hurts, right? Well, every day, even as we speak, an animal is in pain just for humans. Studies show that around 150,000 animals suffer and die every year due to cosmetic testing. They are also given cancer, infected with viruses, brain-damaged, and injured in other ways from laboratory testing. (Rebeccah Zuazua, "Cosmetic Animal Cruelty: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." Fine Magazine, 2020). This is barbaric and unfortunate. No animal should have to be cooped up in a lab awaiting a disease, or death, especially if it's for something like body wash, or makeup. They should be able to be with a family or run free in the wild, just somewhere else rather than a lab. No one really gives this issue the recognition it should get, and that is what is the most saddening. As little as getting rid of a product that tests their products on animals could help. 

     The good news is, even though so many animals have suffered horrible deaths, or health issues, there is a way to end it for good. Yes, many companies test their products on harmless animals, but there are also other companies out there beginning to test a different, much more accurate way. Instead of using animals, there are other alternatives, even proven to work better. Cosmetic companies have begun to use synthetic cellular tissue that mocks human skin to test their products instead. Also, another product created, 'Eyetex', replicates a real eye and turns opaque when a product damages it. (Tampa Bay Newswire, “Availability of decent alternatives", 5 Reasons Why Animal Testing Should Ban Worldwide, Post, 2020). See, this is what the world needed. Testing on mocked human skin, and human body parts are so much better than testing human products on a completely different species. If there are other alternatives, why test on an animal? The best part is, it even is guaranteed to work better. All companies should start using these techniques because evidently enough animals' lives are now being harmed for no legitimate reason. Other alternatives have been made, meaning there are no other excuses anymore as to why companies still use animals during their testing trials.  

     Now some may argue that the world should not consider getting rid of cosmetic testing on animals since it is ‘safer for humans in the long run, due solely to the fact that humans are not the ones being tested on nor put at any health risks. This claim is understandable, however, due to the difference in species, animals being tested instead of humans is actually not much safer after all, and people are in fact still put at health risks either way. To further support this statement, research has shown from the National Institutes of Health that 95% of all drugs that pass and are proven to be safe in animal tests fail in human testing. (People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals, “Animals Are Not Ours”, These Answers to Arguments for Animal Testing Prove It’s Bad Science, Peta, 2021). So, just because humans are not typically thrown into testing trials does not mean they are safe from the possible harm of cosmetics. In fact, animals being test subjects for humans only provide less than 10% accuracy out of 100%. More so proving the claim that even if humans are not tested on, dangers of products are still out there due to the inaccuracy of the results received from creatures. Given this information, it can be concluded that testing cosmetic products on animals is not secure enough to ensure the health and protection of people. Keep in mind, it is not being implied that the country needs to start testing cosmetics on humans. What is being implied is that instead of animals and humans, other alternatives can be used that are more efficient, and safe. Such as a substitute for a human body part, or a replica of an eye. These other ways are not only more accurate and safe for animals, but also humans.

     All in all, it is heartbreaking to see that some brands in America still choose to test their products on animals. Especially for makeup, and other cosmetic items when there are other, better ways to test out there. Instead of having the thought of animals dying for humans, America can do something about it. Start a campaign or a protest. Anything could help to save these animals, even if it is as little as throwing out non-cruelty-free items. Thinking about an animal being tortured to death, or struggling with makeup products is such a hard thought, and the reality is, this does happen. With enough help though, this chaos can end. On this petition (the link below), over 300 people agree so far, so please, sign the petition, and consider this article a reason to bring awareness to animal testing and bring it to a possible end. 

The author's comments:

     This is my first time submitting to, and I am more than happy to be doing so. I wanted to bring more attention to what I stand for, which is banning cosmetic animal testing in the United States. Now I'll be honest, I didn't quite know how bad animal testing was until I did further research, and let me tell you once I did the research, now all I want to do is to bring this  country-wide issue to an end. It is in fact banned in some states, which is great, but not many, and that is why I want to bring awareness. I want to make how bad testing is known, and help save little innocent critters. Now not only did I write this article to share to the world, I also created a petition. I started this petition a little over a week ago, and it'd be great if you could sign it. Over 300 people agree so far, which makes my heart so happy, and makes me so hopeful. Thank you for taking the time to read this and my article, and stay safe. 

Here is the link to my petition:)  

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