Music is Life | Teen Ink

Music is Life

November 19, 2019
By emmawals BRONZE, Harahan, Louisiana
emmawals BRONZE, Harahan, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Music is an important factor in everyone’s life including mine. It shapes people’s lives and brings people to remember significant times in their life. Music has made me an amazing person and without it I would not be as happy as I am. Music shows me how to live and reminds me to be myself, while it also cheers me up. Music is in my everyday life. I hear it on the radio, I listen to it while I am doing homework, and I have different playlists for my many different moods. WIthout music the world would not be able to bring people together; furthermore, there would be no musicals and no concerts. Also, mass would not be as lively because there would be no liturgical music. Music is amazing,  and I am grateful to be able to listen to it. Many songs have influenced my childhood and adolescence, although there are four main songs that are most important to me. 

As a child, music was an important part of my life, but specifically, two songs from two movies  influenced my childhood. The song “You’ll Always Find Your Way Back Home” by Hannah Montana, especially the verse, “ you can change your style, you can change your jeans, you can learn to fly, and you can chase your dreams, you can laugh and cry but everybody knows that you’ll always find your way back home” greatly influenced my childhood by teaching me certain lessons that have helped me through everything. Continuing, this song taught me to be unique, and to always stick with the people I love.  By listening to this song as a child, I learned to not care how I looked or acted. Additionally, the specific verse from this song showed me to be confident with everything that I do because I will always be happier when I am doing the things that I actually love. Furthermore, the song “I’m A Girl Like You” by Arnie Roth majorly impacted my life by providing me with sweet memories of my childhood because of the movie Princess and The Pauper. This song brings me back to the times that I would watch the movie The Princess and the Pauper. I loved this movie so much as a kid and by listening to the song, I am brought back to the good days as a child. Also, this song makes me feel all light and fluffy inside almost like a little kid would feel. I know the entire song by heart, and I will always be reminded of my childhood when I listen to this song. Music continues to impact my life, and the songs “You’ll always Find Your Way Back Home” and “I’m a Girl Like You” inspired me as a kid and continue to remind me of what it was like to be a child. 

In my adolescence, the song to the opening of a show and a country song influence my life today, and I still remain a music lover. The iconic theme song “I’ll Be There For You”  to the show Friends, has reminded me of my true friends because it is about how friends are always there for each other. Therefore, this song makes me feel like I can do anything with the help of my friends. It reminds me of my best friends in which I can always count on. By hearing this iconic song, I am taught to always trust my friends, and I am taught that friends are just as important as family. Moreover, the country song “Speechless” by Dan and Shay, specifically the opening line, reminds me of the amazing memories that I made during the summer of 2018. My friends and I sang along to this song at the top of our lungs whenever we heard it.  I love this song, and it brings me back to my friends every time I hear it. I continue to listen to this song because, no matter what mood I am in, it reminds me how fun summer can be. Both of these songs majorly impact my adolescence by filling me with emotion and reminding me of my friends, and I am glad to have music in my life.  

My childhood and adolescence was greatly affected by music, but the most important songs to me are “You’ll Always Find Your Way Back Home” by Hannah Montana, “I’m A Girl Like You” by Arnie Roth, the Friends theme song “I’ll Be There For You”, and lastly “Speechless” by Dan and Shay. These four songs remind me of my friends, family, and special times that I have had. I will always be reminded of the times when I watched the movie Princess and the Pauper when I listen to  “I’m A Girl Like You” by Arnie Roth. Additionally, I will always remain confident because of the song  “You’ll Always Find Your Way Back Home” by Hannah Montana. Continuing, The Friends theme song “I’ll Be There For You” will show me who my true friends are. Lastly, the song “Speechless” by Dan and Shay will make me remember the good times during the summer when I would sing this song at the top of my lungs with my friends. Furthermore, music has greatly shaped my life and the people in which I love; music is a way of life and without it I would not be myself. The four songs that shaped my life, “You’ll Always Find Your Way Back Home” by Hannah Montana, “I’m A Girl Like You” by Arnie Roth, the Friends theme song “I’ll Be There For You”, and lastly “Speechless” by Dan and Shay, will always be in my heart, and I love the memories that I got from these songs.

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