15 Things I Learned Before Turning 15 | Teen Ink

15 Things I Learned Before Turning 15

May 8, 2019
By allieherrmann BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
allieherrmann BRONZE, Lebanon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

1) Occasional failure is ok
 Being a student and an athlete I’m not always going to be perfect, and it’s important for me not to be hard on myself when I don’t perform as well as I would have liked to.

2) My mom is always right
 Up to this point in my life my mom has offered me a lot of advice, and while I haven’t always taken it I’ve learned I probably should have.

3) Life is short, wear shoes without laces, save your time.
 In our busy and modernized world I could only wonder why someone would want to wear shoes with laces. They waste precious time and could also likely cause you to trip and fall on your face.

4) Waking up is hard, but Chick-fil-a employees work harder
 This is probably the most important and quickest lessons I learned. I think about the hardest part of my day, waking up, but I then realize a hot box of nuggets and a “my pleasure” is never far away.

5) Dogs are more loyal than any person I know
 Dogs are always happy to see you, always down for food, and just plain there all the time, you can’t beat that.

6) Quizlet saves lives
Quizlet is effortless and organized way to study and review answers, when that big Spanish test is coming up you know where I’m studying

7) I hate taking pictures, but I’m glad I did later
My family is always wanting to take pictures and it gets annoying, but later I look back and I’m glad because they help me remember past times.

8) Don’t forget about stuff you put in the freezer to cool down
Too many times in the recent past I have put a drink from my pantry in the freezer to cool down because I’m that impatient. While I wait I go to watch TV and completely forget about my drink to find it frozen solid the next day.

9) T-shirts are better than all the clothes in my closet
I’m happiest when I’m comfortable. T-shirts are the key to comfort they are better than all other clothing items. I could live in a t-shirt.

10) Music can always make me feel better
Music has an undeniable power, and no matter the mood I’m in music always makes me feel overall in a better mood than I was before.

 11) Spontaneous plans are the best ones
This is one of my more recent lessons, as I’ve gotten older my parents give me more freedom, and my friends and I often plan things minutes before we do them and it adds excitement to a boring day.

12) Real heros buy you food
 Don’t call someone your hero if they haven’t bought you food, shoutout to my parents.

13) Jeeps are the superior car
 There aren’t too many better feeling than riding in a Jeep with the doors off, nice breeze, suns out, hair in your face, it’s great.

14) If you’re going to kroger and planning on walking down the frozen food aisle you better bring a jacket.
We’ve all been here I hope this is self explanatory.

15) Water solves a lot of problems
 Feeling sick, have a headache, have acne, feel tired, water will help it’s just the facts.

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