The Issues of Sex Trafficking | Teen Ink

The Issues of Sex Trafficking

February 7, 2019
By nizhonitahnee BRONZE, Mabelvale, Arkansas
nizhonitahnee BRONZE, Mabelvale, Arkansas
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Favorite Quote:
"And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character." Ruth 3:11

 Most people think that slavery was abolished in 1865, but little does anyone know, It is more prominent now than ever before. It isn’t the type that was mostly going on with people back then. Now it’s more of the issue of sex trafficking. People in the world don’t realize that it is wrong because it is against God’s word. It is happening in people’s neighborhoods and they don’t even realize it, and it is hard to identify victims in a normal community setting.  

One thing that is a first step in sex trafficking is that they are abducted or tricked into going willingly. Kidnapping is a sin, no doubt about it since it is a way of stealing. You are stealing a person or more than one person from a family or friends that love them. In 1 Timothy 1:8-10, It says, “We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine.” This talks about a lot of different types of people practicing different sins, but it can also be interpreted about sex trafficking. That kidnapping is evil and enslaving someone is against God’s word, whether it be physically or psychologically and according to Deuteronomy 24:7, it is punishably by death. ”If someone is caught kidnapping a fellow Israelite and treating or selling them as a slave, the kidnapper must die." People don’t even realize it because they just see them as objects, not God’s people. 

Another thing that usually happens when you get captured into sex trafficking is you get abused to the point to where you either submit to their authority or you die. That is another sin. According to Isaiah 61:8, it says “For I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing. In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them.” God doesn’t want us to hurt each other. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. His law constantly repeats that we all are suppose to treat each other fairly and with kindness, and you can’t do that and abuse each other, whether it be physically, psychologically, or verbally. People that think this is okay are most definitely possessed by demons and are unclear of how wrong sex trafficking is, and we all need to be praying for the people that think this is okay and help stop the never-ending cycle. 

What is sex trafficking? So many people think it really isn’t a big issue going on in the world as of right now. According to Department of Homeland Security, sex trafficking is a modern form of slavery that involves the illegal trade of human people for profiteering and/or retail gain. People don’t realize that in 2012, estimated by the International Labor Organization, there were 20.9 million worldwide human trafficking victims across the world. 

Ahead of forced labor, sexual exploitation is the most commonly identified form of human trafficking according to the United Nations of Drugs and Crime. This seems to be accurate in the United States according to the numbers from the National Human Trafficking Center, where there are more than 4,000 reported cases of sex trafficking. Which, these numbers are almost nothing to how many people are victimized every year because these are only ones that have been reported. I am sure there are millions more people that aren’t reported because they are silenced. People that get caught up in these kinds of issues are most likely terrified to speak up about it because they are scared, they will get killed by whoever has control over them. One of the possible reasons people don’t even realize that it is going on right around them is because they are scared to say anything or to show any signs. If they even remotely try to escape or get help, they have the possibility of getting caught and getting hurt severely or even killed.  

Victims of human trafficking can be divided into two separate populations according to the United States law. They are divided into children induced into commercial sex that are under 18, adults that are induced into commercial sex through force, fraud, or coercion. People don’t realize that you might be coming across victims every day because there aren’t specific symptoms of them. They all have different backgrounds, levels of education, and may or may not be documented. Though there aren’t specific symptoms, there is a study that said that 56 percent of men and women in the prostitution industry were teens that were flight risk. Many people that are involved with the human trafficking approach possible recruitments at public settings like shelters or places of transportation. They like to transport people from foreign countries also because they are unfamiliar with the culture, laws, and surroundings and they can easily be persuaded that these things are okay.

Sex trafficking is still an extremely hard subject that many people don’t realize is  a real problem in not just America, but the entire world! People don’t really notice it is a problem because it happens secretly in their neighborhoods and city, it is difficult to identify, and because people don’t know what God’s word says in order to realize it is against the Bible. People will continue to become victims unless we start working together to stop it. 

The author's comments:

If you would like to see where I got my research, these are the sources I used.

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