We Are Equal | Teen Ink

We Are Equal

August 17, 2018
By black_thoughts BRONZE, Keserwan Fatka, Other
black_thoughts BRONZE, Keserwan Fatka, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Kill them with success and bury them with a smile.

"Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what to others can do." ~William Elery Channing. I believe that people should treat each others the same way and no one should feel himself superior to another one.


Nowadays, people think they have the right to bully someone else or to treat them like trash and garbage. Well I gotta stand and say no! Millions of people are getting bullied everyday, comitting suicide after that because some "better" guy or girl make them feel low, unuseless, unworthy and much of negative things. How do you feel by taking a person's life? It hunt you everyday? Saying you did something wrong? Well it should. This person that you hurt is just like you. You have more money than him? Good but it does not make you better. If you think that this was just for fun you're having, then no, you took a person life or just ruined it. Everyone has it owns characters, everyone should accept it, but no one should abuse of it.

Now, there are some people that feel really superior to other ones in other ways. You're a star, a singer, a celebrity or a millionaire? That doesn't makes you stronger or better than everyone else. And im talking to all those people who think that. Well maybe you have fortune but it's not about that. We are all equal; different characters, lifes, looks but all the same on the inside. No one should feel that he's week or low. There are several situations in life that we'll make you feel that but you gotta accept it. It may change one day or not; it's only in god's hands.


To finish, every human is brave, strong, unique, stunning and worthy on his own way. And no one should ever doubt in that. There is always be someone by your side, no one is ever alone and if you are, you just gotta wait; destiny will do it all; and you'll always find the light.

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