Shaming In India | Teen Ink

Shaming In India

August 17, 2018
By Anonymous

Our Indian society has been defining beauty in terms of skin complexion, size and shape of an individuals's body. I fail to understand our obsession with a person's physical apperance and specially a woman's need to be slim and trim, fair and lovely to be the ideal woman for the society. People fail to understand the worth of beautiness of the heart and the soul of a person and choose to focus more on one ones appearence . Even the media which is suppoe to be the medium of entertainment in people's life has proven to be one of the reason of body shaming in India, the advertisements of cosmetics and several anti fat medicines have been preaching as how important or essential it is for the people to look fair and skinny to be considered as an attractive human being.With the increase in the usage social media , the trend of body shaming people has increased at a higher rate , people sitting behind a computer screen post negative comments and preach as to why a person should be tall, fair and good looking to be considered a beautiful human being. Also, the jokes cracked of preagnancy increasing fat in a women's body aren not funny at all.

Teenagers in India are always groomed on how to be slim , being slim is like a fashion now. Poeple fail to understand the fact that body shaming may develop a sense of inferiority complex in a person's mind.We have reached at a certain point where fat shaming is considered normal , even skinny girls are shamed for their appearance too, they are advised to cover up their body fully so their lack of curves cannot be seen by the cociety. Shaming leads to lack of confidence and eating disorders as well.

We need to understand that instead of judging others for their appearance, we need to be more matured and shouldn't be a bully. Instead of demotivating a person we should make them feel more confident within themeselves. For example , actresses like Vidya Balan are the perfect example of a beautiful woman who is confident enough to gracefully show her curves. So lets take a step towards feeling confident and lovable with our own shape and let us give others the freedom to feel the same way... let us be more loving, accpeting and tolarative. Let's empower each other to be comfortable with their own bodies.

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