The creeper | Teen Ink

The creeper

April 11, 2023
By Anonymous

Author's note:

Grace is 11 years old and is scared of a man who she is scared of a guy that tried to kidnap her. Her brother Zach who is 15 is just as scared as her.  

The author's comments:

The whole chapter

It was a gloomy rainy day. The winds howling and the leaves flying in every direction. On the way home from school, a girl named Grace was walking when she wanted to go to the gas station to get a hot chocolate to drink. When she was coming out of the gas station a strange man with his hood on, with a dirty black hoodie. The man was coming toward her and trying to talk to her, but her mother taught her never to talk to strangers, especially suspicious-looking ones. The man was trying to talk to her. 

“Where are you going so fast in a hurry?” He said in a creepy voice

“Do you want me to take you home?” The creepy man said.

Grace didn’t acknowledge him at all and started just walking and not looking behind her until she arrived at her house. When Grace got home she wanted to talk to her parents about the weird interaction but they were at work and only her brother was home. She didn’t mind because she had to speak to someone and her parents weren’t going to be home for a couple more hours. She was telling her brother what happened, but he didn’t care because he had stayed home sick that day, so Grace was super sad that her brother didn’t care, but she understood because he was ill. When her parents got home, Grace was talking so fast they couldn’t understand what she was saying. 

“Slow down Grace, we can't understand what you are saying,” Her mom said.

“Umm well, I stopped at the gas station after school to get some hot chocolate because I was cold and a weird guy in a black hoodie tried to stop me and offer to take me home, then he tried to ask where I was going,” Grace said quickly.

“You are crazy Grace. It's fine he was just trying to be nice,” her dad said.

“Whatever,” Grace said storming off to her room.

The next day Grace and her brother were walking to school together and Grace was terrified that they would run into the creepy man again. 

She wasn’t as scared though because her brother was there this time. After school, her brother was gonna hang out with his friends so she would be all alone on the walk home. She decided to go to the gas station again because it was hotter today and she was thirsty. Grace went inside and got her soda and paid. She was keeping a high alert in case she saw the creepy man again. She thankfully didn’t this time though. She now wasn’t worried about the man. Just as she calmed down a little she felt a tap on her shoulder. She flipped around to see who it was. It was just her older brother. 

“You scared me!” Grace said while breathing heavily.

“You are fine” Grace's brother said

“I thought that was the creepy man again” Grace said angrily 

Grace was then walking home with her brother and his friends. When they approached their house one of Zach’s friends saw a man in the street dancing.

“Who is the weird dude in the middle of the street?” Zach’s friend said.

“That’s the creepy dude who was trying to kidnap me!” Grace said while hiding behind her brother. They all decided to turn around to avoid the strange man. When they were quickly getting out of there, the creepy man was still

standing there dancing around in the street. 

When they were quickly walking away. They kept looking back to see if the man was following them and thankfully he was not. They all decided just to pass him and hope the man didn’t try and do anything to them. They were all rather terrified. When they arrived home their parents were at work. They didn’t want to be home alone because of the creepy man around. All of a sudden they hear a loud knock on the door. They looked out the window and it was a guy in a UPS uniform. They opened the door.

“Hello?” Zach said

“I’m here to deliver a package to Bob and Linda.” 

“Oh ok, do you need them to sign anything for you?” Zach said.

“Nope all good here you go”

“Thank you,” Zach said.

When the guy left they were all laughing because they all had a heart attack when they heard the knock on the door. They decided to go to their rooms. Grace went to hers and Zach went to his and Zach’s friends went home. 

Linda called Grace and Zach into the kitchen the next day for a family meeting.

“Okay, Grace Zach, your aunt Mary and your uncle Gary are gonna come and visit for the weekend,” Linda said.

“You have never met them before so this will be your first time.”

“Ok, I am very excited to meet them!” Grace said while jumping up and down.

“When will they be here?” Zach said

“Probably at 12:00 or 1:00 pm tomorrow,” Bob said

“Ok cool!”

The morning of the day Mary and Gary arrived Grace and Linda spent their morning deep cleaning the house. Bob and Zach were mowing the yard and cleaning up outside. When they were all done it was about 11:30 so Linda began making lunch for when they arrived. Grace was helping her when she wanted to go and take a nap before her aunt and uncle came. When they came Grace was still sleeping because her mom didn’t want to wake her up because she was really tired and figured she needed it. When Grace woke up she looked at the clock and it was 12:30. She instantly got up, went and did her hair, and wanted to look good for her aunt and uncle that she was meeting for the first time. When she walked out of her room she went to see where everyone was and looked all around the house for her family didn’t see them so she went outside and saw them she saw her Uncle Gary and stopped. She instantly went back to her room and locked the door. Her parents were confused. Bob and Linda were at her door trying to get her to open the door. 

“Grace opens the door, what's wrong?” Linda said while trying to pick the lock.

“Th- that's the creepy guy.”

“No Grace it’s not it’s your uncle Gary”

“No, it’s not you have to believe me”

Gary come here” Bob called. 

When Gary came Grace started freaking out. 

“Woah Grace calms down. I'm your uncle. I have never even seen you before, I mean I haven’t even seen a picture of you.”

“You are the person at the gas station that day. I am not mistaken I saw you, you were wearing a black jacket with your hood on short brown hair, a mustache, and the same shoes you are wearing now so, don't even try to tell me differently.”

When Mary heard this she was questioning if this was true and if this was even the man she married. They decided to have a family meeting. 

“This can’t be true because we live four hours away from here so that’s impossible,” Gary said. 

“Honestly I don’t know what to believe,” Mary said 

“I think this is all a misunderstanding” 

“Oh my gosh,” Linda said. 

“Grace comes here” 

Linda was looking at the news on her phone when she came up with a guy who had been arrested for kidnapping and homicide. 

“Does this look at all like the guy you were talking about?”

“Yes, that looks just like him,” Grace said, confused.
“Let me see your phone Mom” 


“Because I wanna look at something.” 

Grace was holding her phone up to Gary’s face and looking at the photo then Gary then the photo then Gary. 

“Uncle Gary, doesn’t this look exactly like you?” Grace said.

“I mean kinda but if that was me I would be in jail not here”

“Yeah, I guess,” Grace said.

“Okay now let’s put this all behind us and Grace you no longer have to be afraid because the guy is now in jail,” Bob said. 

“I’m still really scared though because that could have been me”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t so we have to be thankful that it wasn’t. 


Grace was thankful that the guy had been caught. She was also really glad that it wasn’t her Uncle as well. Grace had gone to bed peacefully that night knowing she didn’t have to worry about the creepy guy anymore

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