Betsy | Teen Ink


August 26, 2019
By Enzo, East Amherst, New York
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Enzo, East Amherst, New York
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Author's note:

i love books. So i’ve decided to write one of my own

The author's comments:


There is an old man that lives down the street. That old man’s name is Albert and he is 71 years old. A few years ago Albert’s wife, named Betsy, died in a car accident. The car was rebuilt and Albert named the car after his wife. 

A 25 year old man named Noah, recently graduated from the University, was looking for a car to buy since he needed a new one. Albert was selling his car, Betsy, which is a 1947 Maserati A6 1500 Pininfarina.    Albert had to sell the car to make some money.  Noah’s family always had a hobby of buying classic cars and that’s how Noah started to like old cars. Instead of Noah buying a modern car he wanted an older car and that is when he met Albert. Noah saw Albert sitting in a dirty garden with a car so Noah approached Albert’s car to have a look. “How much is this car?” asked Noah “You can have my car for $350 including tax.” Albert said “Well, that sure is a great price!” Noah excitedly said “But you gotta take care of this car. The name of this car is Betsy. I named it after my wife who died in this car. Please take care of this car. This car means a lot to me.” Albert said.

Noah felt bad for Albert because Noah thought he was lonely. “I’m Noah by the way.” said Noah “I’m Albert. It is a pleasure to meet you Noah.” Albert said. Noah finally bought the car and drove it home but he never realized that the old man he bought the car from, has different personalities.  Two different personalities to be exact. Whenever Albert turns to his other personality Albert’s eyes turn bright red. His eyes turn red like he’s the devil but Noah didn’t realize that yet. But he would soon.

A few days after Noah bought the car he decided to go to his friend’s house. Noah stayed at his friend’s house for a few hours and then Noah finally went back home and parked his car in the driveway. When Noah was about to enter his house to sleep, something strange happened. Noah saw Albert walking up to him. “Hi there Albert, what are you doing here?” Noah asked. Noah saw that Albert’s eyes were bright red and Noah was in shock. “You stole my Betsy from me.”, Albert said angrily.  “What? You mean the car?” confusingly said Noah. “You filthy thief you stole her from me!”, Albert shouted. “I didn’t steal this car. I bought it from you don’t you remember?” asked Noah. Suddenly Albert’s eyes turned back to normal and they weren’t red anymore. Albert forgot where he was and then Albert just walked away. Noah was a bit confused but decided to not think much about it. So Noah went to sleep.

Noah woke up the next day and he was still confused about what happened the night before. Noah got out of bed and went to work with his car. Noah works in a very successful factory that create cars and Noah is a manager in that factory. Noah stopped at Albert’s house to see if everything was alright. Noah saw Albert next to a campfire singing an old song. Noah could tell that Albert was intoxicated but Noah didn’t really mind. Noah walked up to Albert “Hello Albert how are you today?” Noah asked “I am great but I’m so confused about how I ended up outside your house out of nowhere.”, said Albert.   “Hold on. You don’t remember anything from that day?” Noah asked. “No I don’t” Albert said. Noah was starting to get a bit worried about Albert. “Are you lonely Albert? I’m asking you this because ever since I met you I thought you were lonely.”, inquired Noah. “ No of course not. I have friends and family here almost everyday.” Albert said. Noah was happy that Albert wasn’t lonely. Noah finally forgot about what happened the other day.

Noah was working as usual until he gets a call from an unknown number. Noah picks up the phone and hears Albert’s voice.   “Where is my Betsy?!” Albert shouted from the phone. “What are you talking about? You gave me that car and I bought It.”, Noah said over the phone.  Albert angrily hung up the phone. Then Noah started to realize that Albert has two different personalities. Noah figured out that Albert has a nice personality and an evil personality. Noah was a bit worried for Albert.   In fact, Noah was so worried that he even thought about putting Albert in a retirement home. But Noah realized he couldn’t since Albert wasn’t part of his family. 

Noah came home from work and once Noah entered his home he was in shock. Noah’s entire house was trashed.  Everything was broken. The walls of the house and even the ground was destroyed. Noah called the police, but the cops weren’t able to find any fingerprints. Noah was wondering who could have broken into his home and then Noah started to think that Albert could’ve trashed his home. Noah was confused and scared at the same time. 

Noah wanted to tell the police that he suspected Albert breaking into his home, but Noah, unfortunately, had no proof.  Noah went to the local hardware store to buy cameras so that if someone breaks in Noah would know who did it. The cameras Noah bought surrounded the house. 

When Noah goes to work he has to pass Albert’s house.   Usually, nothing strange happens at Albert’s house, but one day that all changed.  Noah was going to work and he passed Albert’s house. When Noah passed Albert’s house he saw Albert holding a shotgun.    What makes the situation scary is that Albert was pointing the shotgun at himself. Noah dashed to Albert to try and help him “Hey Albert take that shotgun away from your mouth now!” Noah screamed. Albert had those red eyes again. Albert said nothing and turned the shotgun to Noah “Albert don’t point that thing at me. That’s very dangerous.”,  said Noah worriedly. Noah’s voice was trembling and out of nowhere Albert’s eyes turned back to normal. Albert’s eyes weren’t red anymore. “Oh my lord why am I pointing this at you? Please forgive me. Would you like a cup of tea.”, Albert asked sincerely. Noah said nothing and ran to his car, Betsy, and drove off. 

Albert’s house was incredibly small and was made out of logs so that Albert’s house looked like a cabin. Noah couldn’t get any work done because he couldn’t stop thinking about what happened.  Noah was shocked. Noah was so shocked that he couldn’t even sleep. Noah finally slept because he was so exhausted. When Noah got out of bed he heard glass shatter in the kitchen. Noah grabbed a bat for protection just in case he needed to use it. Noah walked to the kitchen and surprisingly nobody was there but Noah did see an open window which meant that someone had breaken into Noah’s home.

Noah then remembered about the cameras he set up around the house. Noah got onto the computer in an instant to check the camera system and once he did Noah was in disbelief. Noah saw Albert breaking into his house but something very eerie happened. Albert stared to the camera Noah set up. Albert stared to the camera for at least 20 minutes and then Albert picked up the camera and threw it in the fireplace. Noah quickly got in the car and drove to the police station to show them the footage.


Noah was driving until he saw Albert in the middle of the road. Noah almost hit Albert with his car, but luckily Noah was able to swerve and avoid Albert. Noah crashed his car onto the tree and the car was now completely destroyed. Albert had red eyes again and when Albert saw that Noah crashed the car into the tree Albert was furious. Albert was getting closer and closer to Noah without saying a single word.  Now, Albert as running after Noah but luckily Noah was able to run and escape. After 20 minutes of running and rapid breathing Noah finally walked back to where he crashed his car but the car wasn’t there. Noah knew that Albert had stolen the car.

Noah was walking back home while looking over his shoulder. Noah was scared and even thought about moving but Noah wouldn’t move to another house just because of some old man. Noah did need some protection though, so Noah bought a pistol for safety. Noah didn’t know how to use a pistol, but Noah was only gonna use the firearm if it was necessary.  Noah had no car now since Albert had stolen it. Noah didn’t know what to do, but he soon figured out a plan. Noah’s plan was to go to Albert’s house and get the car back. The next day Noah woke up and grabbed the pistol from the drawer and went to Albert’s house. Noah walked up to Albert’s door and when Noah got there he saw Albert outside next to a campfire “Hey Albert give me the keys to the car!”, screamed Noah.  Albert put his hands up. This time Albert didn’t have red eyes so Noah knew Albert wasn’t in that bad personality. “Okay I’ll go get you the car keys,” said Albert. He got up and got the car keys and brought it to Noah. “I didn’t know how Betsy (the car) ended up here,” Albert said. Noah didn’t say a thing and just grabbed the car keys and drove back home. But Noah didn’t know that what he did was just going to make things worse. 

A few hours later after Noah got home and got a knock from the door. “Who could that be?” Noah said to himself as he got up from the couch. Noah opened the door and saw a woman who looked like she was in her early 20s. “Hello, is there anything I can help you with?” asked Noah “ Hi, I’m Diana the daughter of Albert.” she said.   “You are Albert’s daughter? I can’t believe it!” Noah said.   “May I please come in?'' Diana asked. Noah heard her worried voice and welcomed her into his home. “Well, why are you here?” Noah asked as Diana sat down on the couch. “All I want to say to you is be careful around my father.” Diana said.  Noah was confused and a bit scared. “How did you know Albert and I were friends?” Noah asked. “Albert sends me messages everyday about how he’s doing but I never respond to his messages” Diana said. “Albert has physically hurt many people before. He was sent to jail, but one of the rich members of our family bailed him out.” Diana said.   “One thing I’ve noticed is that Albert’s eyes turn red.” Noah said. Diana’s eyes popped out and she was starting to shake. “He has two different personalities. Whenever, his eyes turn red he becomes violent.” Diana said. Noah was in shock. “Do you still live with Albert?” Noah asked. “No, I was sixteen when my mother died in that car accident. I moved to Oregon when my mother died.” Diana cried. “ I have a flight that leaves tomorrow morning,” Diana said. “I see. Listen, there is a hotel down the road why don’t you stay there until you leave.” Noah said.   “Thank you so much!” Diana said. Diana left Noah’s house and stayed at the motel. 

That night, while Diana was sleeping at the motel she heard footsteps in the motel hall.   Diana got out of bed and opened the door of her room. Surprisingly, nobody was in the motel hall so she closed the door and went back to sleep. A few minutes later someone threw a rock at the window of her motel room.  Glass shattered everywhere and the floor was covered in little glass pieces. Diana screamed as she saw Albert getting in from the broken window. “Hey, there Diana!” Albert insanely screamed. Diana screamed as loud as she could after she saw Albert holding a butcher knife.  Her scream was deadly and full of terror. Diana grabbed her mosquito repellent from her bag and sprayed it at Albert’s eyes. Albert started to grunt in pain and luckily Diana was able to escape. Diana grabbed her car keys and drove off. Albert was getting really angry and then a cop entered the motel room “Everything alright here sir?” asked the police officer. “Yes, I’m fine now leave me alone!” screamed Albert angrily . The officer left the motel room and, later, so did Albert.  As Albert left the motel his eyes weren’t red anymore. They had turned back to normal. Albert walked up and wondered how he got to the motel. Albert blacks out when he turns to his violent side so he forgets things when he gets back to his normal personality. 

After Diana had left his house Noah decided to go to sleep. It was midnight and Noah woke up to loud music playing downstairs. Noah got out of bed to see who was playing all that music. Noah thought it was probably the neighbors playing the music, but it wasn’t.  Noah was downstairs and was turning off the record player when a baseball bat hit Noah in the back of the head, knocking him out.  

Noah woke up a few hours later and saw that his car wasn’t there.   Noah knew that Albert stole it. Noah wasn’t getting scared anymore, instead he was getting mad.  Noah decided to call the police. Soon the police arrived at Noah’s house. “Look, I know Albert has scared you a couple of times, but we have no proof that Albert attacked you.”, the police officer said.  “I suppose you’re right. I didn’t see the attackers face.”, said Noah. The officers left Noah’s house. Noah was suspected Albert, but he couldn’t be sure if it was Albert who attacked him. Then Noah remembered the cameras he set up.   He checked the cameras. In the footage, it showed Albert hitting Noah in the back of the head. Since Albert stole his car Noah had to walk to the police station. 

Noah got to the police station and showed the policemen the footage and the police officers agreed to put Albert under house arrest.   “We have made the decision. Albert is going under house arrest for a few months.”, the police officer told Noah. “House arrest?! He should be thrown in jail!” Noah angrily told the officers.   “Listen buddy, I get you are mad. But just to let you know you could get a restraining order. And I’m not going to put a man in his 70s in jail for 20 years. Okay I feel bad for Albert” Exclaimed the police officer.   “Well I’ll get a restraining order.”, said Noah. “Very well, I’ll go get the paperwork.” The officer said. Noah finally got a restraining order against Albert, but little did Noah know that a restraining order wouldn’t change a thing.

The policemen were able to give Noah his car back. Noah was glad to have the car back, but he wasn’t too enthusiastic.  In fact, Noah was a bit scared because when Albert is freed from house arrest he might come back for Noah. He decided not to worry too much because he had gotten a restraining order against Albert.  On a stormy evening, Noah decided to take a short nap since he had no power and he couldn’t watch television. Twenty-five minutes later Noah woke up. The storm had ended, but the roads were covered with water. 

He decided to go on a jog when he got a message notification from his phone. Noah checked his phone and saw a message from Albert. The message said “I sure do hope this message finds you well Noah. All I want is for you to give my Betsy back. If you call the police on me I will kill you. Just give me the car back and all this will be over. Meet me at that cliff next to the forest tomorrow.” After Noah read that message he instantly got chills down his spine. At that point, Noah didn’t feel safe going on jogs anymore so he just went back home. Noah kept thinking and wondering if it was a good idea to give the car back to Albert. Noah is still a bit young and he didn’t want to die, so Noah decided to take the car to Albert. 

Noah had one day before he brings back the car to Albert. He was nervous and scared but then he remembered that Albert was on house arrest. Noah messaged Albert and the message said “How are you going to leave your house. You are on house arrest Albert.” Noah saw that Albert read the message. After a few seconds he gets a message from Albert that says “I paid off the officers. And they agreed to not put me on house arrest” Noah was mad at the police officer.   Then Noah realized that Albert was allowed to post bail with money. 

The next day Noah woke up and got ready to give the car back to Albert. Noah got inside his car and drove to the cliff they were supposed to meet in. It was a forty-five minute drive to get to the cliff. Noah drove there intensely and then he finally got there and saw Albert holding a shotgun. Noah slowly got out of the car. “There here’s the car you crazy old psycho!” Noah screamed. Albert’s eyes were red and he started to grin. “Why are you laughing?” asked Noah. “It’s a funny situation.” Albert said while laughing. Albert started to slowly approach Noah. “Get away from me!” Noah screamed intensely. Noah started to move next to the cliff and then Albert ran to Noah and pushed him down the cliff. Noah started to roll down the hill while Albert was laughing loudly. There was no one on the forest so nobody was able to see or hear what was going on. Noah rolled all the way down to the end of the cliff. Noah’s forehead had a huge cut which made it bleed. “I should’ve picked a sheer cliff so I could kill you easily.” Albert said, while walking down the hill. “This is how it ends Noah.” Albert said while Noah was on the ground suffering from the heat and wounds. Albert stood next to Noah and pointed the shotgun to his face. Before he could shoot Noah hit Albert’s knee with his elbow which cause Albert to fall down and Noah was able to get up.  Albert got up as well and was about to shoot Noah. Luckily, Noah threw a rock in Albert’s face. Albert rushed to Noah and started to choke him. Noah poked Albert in the eye which caused Albert to drop the shotgun. Albert grunted and screamed in pain and, as Albert was doing that, Noah picked up the shotgun. “Albert please don’t make me do this!” Noah cried while pointing the shotgun at Albert. “Either I kill you or you kill me.” Albert said. Noah had no idea what to say. 

Albert then ran towards Noah while brandishing a knife.  While Albert was running towards him, Noah closed his eyes and shot Albert in the stomach. Noah didn’t want to shoot Albert, but he had to or else he would die. Albert slowly fell to the ground. Noah called the police and told them the situation and the cops told Noah that they’d be there in 20 minutes. “Forgive me Albert. Forgive me!” Noah cried as Albert slowly closed his eyes.

The End

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