Star of the Sea | Teen Ink

Star of the Sea

June 4, 2024
By Anonymous


In the kingdom of Attlenstain, power reigns supreme, but hidden within its lavish walls lies a secret so potent it could shatter the very foundations of society.

Maristella, with her unreal beauty and a voice that enchants even the hardest of hearts, is a mystery concealed from almost everyone. Born with the ability to converse with animals and a voice that wields incredible influence over emotions, she is both a gift and a curse to those who seek to possess her.

Haunted by an abusive, derogatory past and yearning for genuine love untouched by her gifts, Maristella finds herself thrust into a world of deception when her talents are discovered by the dregs of the world. Forced to perform against her will, she becomes a puppet in the hands of those who would hurt her, her mental and physical health deteriorating with each forced song.

Meanwhile, Prince Kyler, a beacon of compassion in a kingdom tainted by tradition and strict rules, strives to break free from the expectations placed upon him by his parents. Despite their desires for him to marry for political gain, his heart lies with helping the downtrodden and oppressed, a mission that leads him to a chance encounter with Maristella.

Their initial meeting, full of danger and desperation, sparks an unexpected connection. As they navigate the treacherous waters of love and power, Maristella and the prince find comfort in each other's presence, attempting to forge a bond built on trust and understanding.

But the shadows of Maristella's past loom large, threatening to tear apart the fragile sanctuary they have created. With each attempt to shield her from harm, the prince unintentionally drives her further into the abyss of fear and mistrust, until she is pushed to the brink of desperation.

In a heart-wrenching climax of betrayal and redemption, Maristella is forced to confront the demons that have haunted her for so long. With her voice as her only weapon, she must decide whether to succumb to the darkness within or embrace the light of forgiveness and love.

 "Star of the Sea" is a tale of beauty, power, love and lust, and is a dark spin on the generic fairytale involving castles and magic.


Star of the Sea

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