The horror of lil alchemy | Teen Ink

The horror of lil alchemy

May 16, 2024
By wxl_gaming, O Fallon, Missouri
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wxl_gaming, O Fallon, Missouri
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Author's note:

I made this for a school assignment only to go into depth of what's happening because I love fantasy books and games and when I made this I wanted it to seem that I was focused on making this a book.

Ahh lil alchemy a place known for the people, the magic, and the food but there’s a secret about lil alchemy that only one person knows about and that person is named Xavier, Xavier is an eighteen year old 6’0ft mixed man with dark green dreads, yellow eyes, and always wears a skull face mask. Xavier was once a legendary assassin in the town of lil alchemy, now no one knows where he is not even his  old comrades, but the only one who does know where he is now is this old story teller here to tell you the story of Xavier and his adventures and how he was able to keep the secret of lil alchemy. So let's start shall we. One day in the old town of lil alchemy an assassin named Xavier is coming back from his latest mission when he is greeted with a letter from one of the king's best knights in the town saying to come to the king's throne the moment he’s finished cleaning up from his mission. Xavier all cleaned up from his mission goes to the king’s throne and asks

“Why did you call me hear all of a sudden your majesty?” 

The king is an elderly man who is 5’7 with a long beard and gray hair who always has a big smile on his face.

“The reason why I summoned you here is because I want to tell you the biggest secret of lil alchemy but before I tell you this I want to let you know in advance that if you choose to accept this you will no longer be able to work as an assassin.”

“Your majesty I can’t accept this, I’m sorry but my life as an assassin it’s my way of living, it’s my way of income, and it’s my way of meeting locals in other kingdoms. If I accept this I won’t be able to support my life but if something comes up your majesty I will let you know and if the job is still up I will take it. Again I’m sorry.”

“That’s alright Xavier and trust me at any later date if you still want to accept this job for me I will let you have it.”

Xavier with a smile on his face starts to leave and says

“Thank you, your majesty, for understanding this and make sure that you have a good day Xavier.”

“No problem Xavier and have a good day as well.”

Xavier, going back to his house only to see that it’s in flames, shocked and angry at the same time goes straight to the guild leader and asks what has happened to his house. The guild leader is named Arianna and she is a twenty-nine year old mixed woman that’s 5 '9 with black dreads put into a ponytail, red eyes, a scar on her right eye, and a tattoo of a lotus and death scythe on her right arm. The guild leader saying

“Hey Xavier I had a feeling that you would be here.”

Xavier with flames in his eyes and anger in his voice asks the leader of the assassin guild a question about his house.

“Arianna, what happened to my house? I thought we had two of our best watchmen there.”

“Well Xavier we did have two of our best watchmen there but someone left their bodies right at our doorstep today.”

Xavier with shock in his eyes and the guild leader with no expressions on her face in the slightest just look at each other until Xavier gains the courage to ask one single question.

“How’s that possible they were our best men and knowone is able to sneak up on them so how are they dead?”

“Well Xavier from what we’ve seen from their bodies it looks like they were taken out from quite some range, given my guess from how they look I would say the kingdom next over to us. But if you want to investigate yourself be my guest but fair warning you might want to wear a mask they also used a type of poison in their ranged weapons to get them out quickly but sadly for us we can’t determine what type of weapons were used or the type of poison because it’s nothing that we have around here and it also makes a rancid type of smell for who ever’s hit with it that’s why I recommend a mask for you to wear.”

“Thanks for the advice leader and trust me I will but do you by chance also have a bullet or something from one of the bodies that I can take a look at to see who we're dealing with from the next kingdom.”

The guild leader now having interest on her face smiles and says.

“Of Course I do, who do you think we are a bunch of amateurs who don’t know how to investigate the cause of our own mens death come on now I know I’m getting old but I’m not that old to where I can’t tell the obvious of what to do with our men when they come in with wounds or are dead but there’s a sample of what they used to take out our men in the examination room.” 

“Thanks Ariana I owe you one and who ever did that to our men trust me I will track them down and pay them back ten fold and if they’re apart of a guild I will burn it to the ground and make their leader wish they never messed with us, but I’ll make sure their deaths are swift and painless.”

The leader now with an even bigger smile on her face starts to laugh and says

“Now that’s the Xavier I know, thought we lost ya for a second but nevermind and thank you for doing this for me I swear you can read my mind sometime because if you didn’t say it I was gonna do it myself but then again this is why you are one of our top tier. Now Xavier we already have you a room here and it’s big enough for you to be able to do all of your training and we were also able to recover one of your favorite weapons from the ash plus your dog Mishu.” 

Xavier with the biggest smile on his face ask the leader

“Can you please tell me where my room is? I want to be able to see Mishu and see how she’s doing after the fire.

The guild leader, startled on how much emotion Xavier is expressing just points to the door and just sees a dash of smoke as Xavier starts running to his new room to see his pet. Xavier now in his room sees Mishu and pets her on the head Mishu is a Tibetan mastiff with a fur pattern of black and white. The moment Xavier gets to see Mishu the guild scientist come into his room and bring him to the examination room where he can inspect and investigate the bodies. Xavier puts on a face mask and yellow gloves to start his operation but the first thing he notices before he could investigate them is that both of their eyes are a violet purple and the pupils are completely gone the only thing Xavier does after seeing this is writing it down in his journal and gets a cotton swab to swab his eye and see if it has a liquid in their eyes to see if it involves what they used to take them out after Xavier notes everything down he gets a scalpel and cuts their stomach open only to see the sight of a melted organs and green ooze dripping from the rib cage. With this sight in front of Xavier he lets out a sound of disgust and gets a glass beaker to take samples of the melted organs and green ooze Xavier then starts to stitch the stomach up but before he completely stitches up the cut he notices a gold and silver dart sticking out of the collar bone, Xavier takes it out only to realize that it’s dripping with green ooze and the violet purple sample that he took when he started his investigation but meer moments after he took out the dart the entire bone system in the body melts away and the only thing Xavier can do is to just finish stitching up the body and report to the guild leader what he has seen. When Xavier returns he tells the guild leader what happened and gives the notes and samples that he took to her and explains what happened after he took the dart out of the collarbone of one of the bodies, the moment Xavier gets done explaining Arianna now with a face of remembrance and anger tells Xavier

“Xavier I know who did this, she was one of our own members who I had to remove from the guild because he posed a threat to the king.”

Xavier with a face of shock and anger asks

“Arianna, where does she live? I need to know that way I can bring her here myself and end her.

“Xavier what happened to swift and painless?

“Sorry Arianna but swift and painless went out the window when you told me that she used to be one of our own and you know the rules of the guild when one of our own tries to kill another even if they’ve been removed from the guild.”

“Xavier of course I know the rules because my master is the one who wrote them but can you not bring her here because she's trickier than you think and if she knows where you are she won’t stop until she finally gets you. 

“Arianna what do you mean “she won’t stop until she gets me." Can you please tell me why she got removed from the guild?”

“Xavier I am going to be completely honest with you when I tell you this, I kicked her out because of her obsession with you and how she almost killed all of us when you were on a mission because she didn’t like when you were on missions without her. But you can be my guest and go after her but if you do and fail we will back you up but we will never disclose our location to that witch.”

“That's fair leader but I will go after and when I complete this mission it will be my last and I will go to the king and accept his mission as my final mission if that’s alright with you.”

“I accept these terms Xavier but remember when you leave the guild you won’t be able to come back here.”

“I accept that Arianna but can you promise me that you’ll visit me from time to time?”

Arianna now with a smile on her face at what Xavier just asked just laughed and says

“Of Course I can Xavier remember that I'll always be here for you when you need something because that’s what friends are for.”

“Thanks Arianna for everything but before I go can you tell me what her name is and what she looks like that way I know what to look for?”

“Xavier, that's what I was gonna do anyways because I know how you work and how efficient you are at your job. The rundown of her, is that her name is Shizukana, she’s a 5’10 mixed woman with dark red dreads, a scar over her right eye, a tattoo of a grim reaper on her left arm, a sickle tattoo on her right arm, she has a red eye, and a hazel eye. Shizukana is a 20 year old woman and let me tell you now she’s real crafty and extremely dangerous so when you go to find her never and I mean never let your guard down because if she knows anything about you she will use it against you.”

“Thanks for the warning Arianna and when I get back I will let you know how the mission went and I will turn everything in that belongs to the guild.

“Thanks Xavier but you can keep everything just make sure to report back when the mission is finished but I won’t keep you any longer than need be and don’t worry about Mishu we’ll keep her safe and be safe on the mission we’ll be here hoping you get it done.”

“Thanks Arianna, have a good day and tell everyone that i’m about to get revenge for our comrades.”

From then on Xavier went to traverse the kingdoms of the world to find Shizukana and take her out but the moment he gets to the next kingdom he’s hit with a blow dart in the back of the neck and fall straight to the ground but just before he’s completely passed out he sees a group of people dragging him away. When Xavier gains consciousness he’s met with a woman and when he sees her face all he can feel is fear for the first time in his life because when he sees her face it’s Shizukana with a devilish smile and she’s laughing insanely. The only thing Xavier can do is just sit there and hopes she hasn’t noticed that he’s awake only to be met with the words of.

“I know you're awake but I would like to see how long you can keep up that act my love.”

Xavier being startled by her knowing he’s awake just has to keep up the act until she leaves that way he can find a way out and be able to eliminate her. Shizukana now losing her smile says.

“I guess he’s not awake. Oh well, I knew that the sleep toxin was effective but oh my didn’t know it was this effective. I’ll just come back in two hours.”

Xavier waiting until she leaves just sits there until he hears the door slam but just to be sure she’s not just sitting by the door he waits to see if it will open again, but it doesn’t so he stands up and looks for a way out but in the middle of him looking for an exit he hears a bird chirping and figures that their above ground and hit the wall to see if there’s a hollow spot in it and to his luck there is but before he can break it he hears people walking towards the door. Xavier drops back to the floor and acts like he’s still knocked out and when the door opens a person walks in and places a tray that has bread and soup on it and walks out. The moment that Xavier hears the door close he springs back into action and starts breaking the wall only to be met with the face Shizukana standing on the other side of the wall but before Xavier can even make a sound she injects him with a sleep toxin and he’s back to being knocked out but this time when he wakes up he’s in another room and is chained to the ground that way he can’t move. While Xavier is looking around the room to see if there’s a way of breaking the chains he hears laughter coming from the darkness of the room and all he can do is sit there and watch as Shizukana just comes out of the darkness laughing and clapping her hands. Before she can say anything Xavier shouts.

“Where am I and what do you want from me and how did you know I was awake the first time and why do you call me your love?”

Shizukana now with a serious look on her face says.

“The only thing I want from you is for you to be my husband and to where we are is my hideout. Now to answer your other questions, I knew you were awake the first time because I tried that toxin on myself and I know how long it takes for that to work and for me calling you my love is a plain answer from the very first answer. Now if you're done with all of your questions.I have something that might interest you if you want to be free.”

“I highly  doubt that you would have anything that would interest me, but go ahead and shoot your best shot.”

“It’s funny that you say that because what I was gonna offer you was freedom in exchange for you working under me and being able to do as you please.”

“Like I said, that doesn’t interest me in the slightest, because I know for a fact that I'll find my own way out of this hell hole.”

“Well don’t say I tried but remember Xavier that the offer will always stand if you change your mind.”

Two months later Xavier is still standing strong on his mission and since he hasn’t been freed from his chains for the past two months he has been slowly breaking them and finally after his wait the chains shatter like glass breaking. When Xavier sees that the chains have shattered he makes his way through the room he’s in and finds a window and without having to even think he shatters the window and escapes from the base just to realize that he’s in the same kingdom as the guild but just before he can even start to make his way to the guild he hears Shizukana running towards him from the room he just broke out of, Xavier starts to run faster than he ever has in his life only to be met with paralysis stunned by what just happens Shizukana slowly claps and approaches him and says.

“I forgot to tell you that while I was at the guild I learned magic while I was on a mission and never told Arianna because I knew that if she knew about it she would eliminate me then and there and if I were to die then I wouldn’t be able to see you my love. Now let's go back to our home.”

Xavier only being able to mumble sounds tries to struggle but his body won’t allow him but in the middle of Xavier being brought back into his capturs house his left arm finally being able to move again picks up a shard of glass off the ground and slices her neck open. Xavier now thinking that He’s free feels his body coming back to him and proceeds to leave and go back to the guild to tell Arianna that he completed his mission. When Xavier gets back to the guild hall he’s met with Mishu jumping on him and Arianna with a big smile on her face only being able to sit there and look at the best assassin in the kingdom to complete their last mission. While Xavier sits down to play with Mishu.

Arianna asks.

“So how did it go and what happened to you Xavier? 

“Everything went fine and Shizukana is dead. I made sure of that but to answer your other question of what took so long to complete the mission was that she captured me and had me chained down so I had to wait until the chains would shatter like glass.”

Arianna with a look of relief on her face and Xavier sitting there playing with Mishu goes to his room to change clothes and then he’s off to visit the king. Before Xavier could leave the guild Arianna gives him a hug and tells him.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for this guild and thank you for being a part of it. I hope that everything goes well for you when you accept whatever the king wants you to do.”

Xavier, standing there shocked with Mishu, hugs her back and says.

“Thank you Arianna for everything and trust me when I say this Mishu and I are going to be safe and just make sure you visit us from time to time.”

Arianna nods her head in agreeance and bows to Xavier as he proceed to walk out of the building but the moment Xavier is out of the guild completely Arianna starts to laugh psychotically and is revealed to be Shizukana who remarks

“Xavier when you were at my base you killed your guild leader instead of me and the crazy part about it is that you couldn’t even tell because of the spell I put her under. Like I said, you are my love.”

  As Xavier walks to the kings throne with Mishu they both bow to him and all he can say is 

“Your majesty, it's Xavier I have come to accept the mission you proposed to me two months ago.

“Xavier! I was wondering when you would get here and let me thank you for being able to do this for me.”

“Your majesty, you need to thank me for nothing. I'm just happy to be able to do this for our kingdom and for you.”

“Just as I expected you’re to honest Xavier. Now let's get to your mission.”

As the king takes Xavier and Mishu to their new house he explains to Xavier what the secret of lil’ alchemy is. From then on, no one has seen or heard from Xavier since but that’s for another time and have a good listener.

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