Slither Quest | Teen Ink

Slither Quest

May 8, 2024
By FionaJackel11, Brisbane, Other
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FionaJackel11, Brisbane, Other
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Author's note:

this story was inspired a book series I loved, I hope you like it as much as I loved writing it

100 years ago, in Hitoria there were 7 tribes forest, sea, ice, cloud, desert, flame and the dark dragons were foul beasts that only wanted destruction and chaos but there was one that didn’t like the way of the dark which joined forces with dragons from different tribes and she took her own tribe down with magic stones and buried them in an inactive volcano but as years gone by they began to drift away from each other and stopped other dragons from coming into their territory.


In the land of the forest dragons [the considered most useless tribe of all] a dragonet named Treeseeker was reading the story about how the 7 tribes worked together to defeat the dark dragons “do you really think there was a time where the tribes weren’t separated Leafjumper” Treeseeker remarked “no that’s just a story there’s no such thing as a dark dragon” Leafjumper argued. The scroll laid along the floor as Treeseeker lied in front of the shelf that held several scrolls. Treeseeker got up and put the scroll back “do you have any proof that they don’t” Treeseeker argued as he turned to his brother. Leafjumper sat on some leaves, and he didn’t speak but Treeseeker knew he hasn’t changed his mind. 2 older dragons walked from the other room “why are you still standing around for, it’s like you don’t want to go to the forest games” their mother, Treefighter told in her normally peaceful voice. “Grassroller will win anyway so what’s the point” Leafjumper said “c’mon you know you like her” Treeseeker teased “we should get going” the father told as a bell started ringing cutting off the thing Leafjumper was about to say.


The Forest games are a series of challenges to test the chief’s sons and daughters and the more victories you win the higher of chances you have of being the next chief. Treeseeker remembered when he first saw the forest games, Grassroller and her brothers Barkcutter and Trunkhurler went onto the starting platform just as he sat down with his family on the large wooden bleachers that stretched around the obstacle course, but Treeseeker was already bored even as the chief stood up out of his chair. His sash was a dull yellow which made the green stone that was attached to his sash stand out more if a dragon somehow missed the sun reflecting off it in several directions.


“I have no idea how you can’t find this interesting” his dad had said before the crowd fell silent as the chief started to open his mouth. “Hello, my subjects welcome to the forest games” he boomed in a voice that said, ‘I am important look at me’. The crowd cheered so loud that Treeseeker had still heard the ringing a minute after it stopped. “Let the games begin” Treeseeker heard when the ringing finally had ceased which made him wonder if the chief’s ears were also ringing. The contestants sprung down the course at rapid speeds they twirled and spun with grace “imagine being royalty” Treefighter mused “I mean we could be” Treeseeker smiled finally finding some fun in this event. Leafjumper looked at his brother finally taking his eyes off the seat in front of him “how” his brother questioned “well Grassroller could potentially marry one of us” Treeseeker smirked at his brother. Leafjumper scowled at him “oh wait I almost forgot about Plantgrower didn’t I” Treeseeker told and the dragonet in front of Leafjumper spun around at the mention of Plantgrower.


Leafjumper’s eyes went wide as he realised what happened and Treeseeker’s already evil grin grew “oh hi Plantgrower” Treeseeker talked without taking his eyes off his brother “hi I thought someone said my name” she asked. Treeseeker turned his head back to the course, but he could still hear the conversation “oh I didn’t see you there” Leafjumper told “yeah right” Treeseeker thought. “Grassroller and Leafjumper together” he would always think at every game since he said that every time, he watched Grassroller laugh at every mistake his brothers did and how much fun she had when she inevitably humiliated them. He would also look at Leafjumper who acted like he was tough and emotionless a mask that only Plantgrower and he could see through “impossible” that was always the inevitable answer and he was fine with that. He just wished that every time he made that joke his stomach would see it as a joke instead of feeling like it stabbed a dragon claw through him not that he would have any part of a dragon in him.


They climbed down the tree planted in the middle of the hut and walked towards the town centre where the forest games were always held. Him and his family sat in their usual place in front of Plantgrower and the 2 lovebirds started to talk immediately which would make people think if they heard a couple but of course Leafjumper hasn’t told her and neither has she. Treeseeker wished he could talk to someone that believed in the story or just sat down with him and made all his worries wash away but dragonet his own age think he’s just weird and out of place. The chief got off his chair and stood in the bright sunlight letting his stone sparkle in the sun “is it just me or did I just see his eyes scan the crowd like he was expecting someone to jump out and kill him” Treeseeker thought. Now that he mentioned it, they were a lot more guards surrounding the king and the arena.


The crowd fell silent just as always “Hello, my subjects welcome to the forest games” he boomed in a voice that said, ‘I am important look at me’. The crowd cheered so loud that Treeseeker had still heard a minute after it stopped. “Let the games begin” the contestants sped off and once again he was bored, so much in fact that even Leafjumper and Plantgrower’s lively conversation wasn’t enough “should’ve brought a scroll” Treeseeker muttered “c’mon if you keep your nose in a scroll you will miss out on the finer things in life” Treefighter told “like eating strange moss” Treeseeker joked “hey that moss is the reason you were born” his dad interjected.


Treeseeker felt ill so instead he looked at the king who was squirming in his chair, but the weird part was that the adviser was gone “where is he” Treeseeker thought. He felt like something was hiding in the dark shadow, Treeseeker forced himself to look at the course “hey Treeseeker” he heard Plantgrower say. “yeah” Treeseeker asked grateful to be thinking about something else “you still working on that scroll” she asked, “yes but I’m nearly finished and if you want to look, I would be happy to make a copy” Treeseeker explained. “My brother is very talented” Leafjumper complimented “but you’re the inspiration” Treeseeker told back “really even the clumsy bunny” “oh yeah, we were racing in the forest then he tripped on a log and his snout was stuck in the rabbit hole” Treeseeker laughed. Plantgrower laughed and Leafjumper looked embarrassed, but happy Treeseeker looked at the obstacle course they were almost finished and Grassroller was of course in the lead.


Grassroller was the first one done and waited for her brothers to finish so she could rub it in their faces. The king stood up again and announced the winner and signalled everyone to leave Leafjumper and Plantgrower walked away together chatting and laughing while his parents and him were going back home “seeky” some dragon called in the crowd. Treeseeker’s legs went faster than normal but he was too slow, and a green snaky object collided with him. Treeseeker wriggled himself free “hi seeky” the dragonet who looked a year younger than him “hi Treepotter” Treeseeker talked in a dull voice.


The only dragonet who loved him “you really shouldn’t tackle me like that” Treepotter squealed “but you’re the one that” Treeseeker started but she shushed him “and also you have to call me by my nickname” Treetopper interrupted. “Listen for the last time I don’t have a crush on you” Treeseeker argued “c’mon just admit it you and I are made for each other” Treepotter argued “no we’re not, you jump on top of me every time you see me, force me to do what you want to do and who you want to be just because you want your ex to be jealous” Treeseeker shouted. Treepotter started to cry and ran into the woods and Treeseeker would be sadder if she didn’t try this trick the other 105 times.


a dragonet named Trunklunger broke up with her and she was depressed and told Treeseeker to pretend to be in love with her to make him jealous, but Treeseeker didn’t like the idea as Trunklunger was dating a dragon who he thought was a better match for him, but she followed him around and eventually down the track he knew that Treetopper and fallen in love with him. Treeseeker returned to the house and snaked up the trunk and Leafjumper was obviously not back yet, so he grabbed a scroll and lied on the ground with it and rolled it out “The 7 tribes and their kingdoms” Treeseeker recited in his head. Halfway through the book Leafjumper came inside “have fun” Treeseeker questioned “yep, make sure you don’t stay up to late” Leafjumper suggested “no promises” Treeseeker told without looking back at his brother and he heard a chuckle.


The next day he was woken up from the dream he had. He was reading the ice dragon chapter when he shut his eyes for a moment then suddenly it got extremely cold and he opened his eyes to see he was in the ice kingdom in a cage made of ice which was surrounded by ice dragons but then it turned into the flame empire and the volcano behind the ice dragons that were now flame dragons erupted and she was swallowed by the lava. He looked at the leaf that was now covering him “I must have been cold, so someone put a leaf o me to warm me up” he thought as he got up and put the scroll away “it’s a disaster, we’re all going to die” a dragon outside yelled.


Treeseeker snaked down the trunk and sped to the centre of town, found his family, and sat with them. “It grants me great sadness that our chief has left us” the advisor told on his platform “he’s dead” Treeseeker “but now someone must take the throne and it is my honour to give this sash to our new chief, Grassroller”. The advisor lifted the sash and placed it in her talons, and she put it on and stood up and faced the audience, but no one cheered “there’s no way this was an accident” Treeseeker thought. Suddenly a gasp ran through the crowd a second before Treeseeker realised what was wrong, the stone on the sash it was gone.


Treeseeker rushed through the crowd to reach the exit “where are you going” Leafjumper asked “I think I know who killed the chief” Treeseeker answered “how” Leafjumper asked but before he could answer Treeseeker quickly ducked behind a bush “you’re fired” a female voice that unmistakably belonged to Grassroller “what for” the advisors voice asked as though he was being threatened with a knife “because you’re incompetent you decrepit old man” she yelled “hey what are you doing” Treeseeker poked his eyes out of the leaves to see the new chief tackled to the ground by her own guards “get off, I am your superior I command you” she stopped as the advisor started laughing.


A talon suddenly stabbed into his shoulder and threw him at the advisor’s feet and saw that Leafjumper had been thrown to the ground too. Treeseeker rolled over to see his attacker who was surprisingly his neighbour Shrubcollector “I have no idea what’s going on” Leafjumper said confusingly “isn’t it obvious they want the sash so they can have power” Grassroller shouted in a triumphant voice Treeseeker looked at Leafjumper and rolled his eyes making him smile “not even close” the advisor shouted. Shrubcollector grabbed their necks and lifted them up to see the advisor, the guards and Shrubcollector change his green scales turned black and his body become less snake like, and wings sprouted from his back and blades slid out across him “oh no” Leafjumper said and turned to Treeseeker “does this mean I lose the bet” Treeseeker couldn’t help bursting out laughing.


“doesn’t it hurt having blades that come out of you” Grassroller questioned “no” the advisor said simply “all of you are dark dragons but weren’t you buried under an inactive volcano” Leafjumper questioned “not all of us” he explained “we’ve planted seeds of deception and hate in the air and since then they have grown into such lovely trees” “I don’t get it” Grassroller told. “They hid in the other tribes and split them up so they would be easier to defeat, then they made their way to advisors and other important dragons so they can be close to the gems and when the right moment comes take their gems and kill them, but why now” Treeseeker explained. “Your chief started to get paranoid, and it was only a matter of time until he found us out, so we had to get rid of him” the advisor added “so your friends are still under the volcano” Leafjumper asked hopefully “no” the advisor smirked.


“Where’s the stone” Grassroller questioned “we didn’t have time to get to the dark kingdom by the cover of nightfall so we’ll have to go now” the advisor chuckled as he pulled one of his blades out and looked at Grassroller with a smirk “but we obviously can’t have witnesses now can we” the advisor got off the rock he was perched on, but a rock suddenly knocked him in the back of the head. “Let go of the boys” Barkcutter and Trunkhurler shouted as they dropped from the trees “hello, sister here” she growled under the 2 guards holding her down “um also our sister” they told less furiously. Leafjumper grabbed a blade from Shrubcollector’s thigh and cut him just deep enough to let them go and they ran into the woods “Shrubcollector go get them” Treeseeker heard the advisor yell as they ran deep in the forest Leafjumper drove the blade into the ground “what should we do” Treeseeker whispered “at the moment lose them” Leafjumper advised before they both went up the trees into the leaves to blend in.


Few seconds later Shrubcollector came through the forest his black scales easy to spot through the leaves. Shrubcollector spied the blade “was everything a lie” Treeseeker spoke before he could shut his mouth. Shrubcollector jerked his head for a source of the sound “do you even like collecting shrubs” Leafjumper surprisingly asked. The dark dragon looked at his talons sheepishly “what about your wife is she a dark dragon to or are you just doing that so no one would think it’s you” Treeseeker yelled. Suddenly the dragon burst into tears and Treeseeker went down the tree but stayed out of sight and he saw Leafjumper do the same “I hate being a dark dragon, I-I hate it” he heard the dragon sob “I’m pathetic” Shrubcollector “no you’re not” Leafjumper said calmly as he came into the dragon’s view but Treeseeker knew that his emotions were just as tangled as his “no matter which tribe you’re from you will always have a mind and heart” Treeseeker added as he too came out beside his brother “you 2 are sweet please leave, hide make sure each other are safe” he then smiled as the last of his tears went down his chin “and I did like collecting shrubs with you” he said before someone yelled in the distance “go now” Shrub collector ordered “you could come with us” Treeseeker pleaded “no I’ll try to give you as much time as possible now please go” they all looked at each other and the 2 brothers ran deeper into the forest.


“Where should we go” Leafjumper told Treeseeker “to the stones if the dark dragons get them all we won’t stand a chance” Treeseeker informed and Leafjumper reluctantly nodded his head. “But they already have 1 how are we going to get the other 6” Leafjumper asked the dark stone is on the edge of the forest, it can turn itself and anything it touches into anything the holder wants” Treeseeker explained they reached the edge of the forest, but they had to hide behind the trees. 4 dark dragons surrounded the hut 1 dragon exited the hut and holding a dragonet that was struggling to be let go. He walked down the stairs, and the other dragons lit the house on fire “what do we do” Leafjumper asked “I got nothing” Treeseeker told.


Yelling alerted them to the others so they went up the tree and climbed the longest and strongest branch to listen to them the advisor’s eye was bleeding and he had several cuts across his body the 2 guards were behind him with a sagging body “Shrubcollector” Treeseeker thought worriedly “what happened” the one with the dragon questioned “betrayed us the little 2 escaped but no one would believe them” the advisor talked “any other witnesses” the biggest spoke “the heirs, we killed them but we didn’t know what to do with him” the advisor signalled the guards to drop him. The one with the dragon stood over Shrubcollector “now why would you betray us Deathnight” he said in a calm voice that Treeseeker could just hear. He couldn’t hear what Shrubcollector said but it must have struck a nerve because he raised his talons and slashed him across the eye “Starfright, should we get going” the bigger one said “yes, dump him in the water” he nodded to a guard “goodbye little brother” he cackled as he walked towards the forest “do you have an idea now” Leafjumper told “yes” Treeseeker smirked.


Treeseeker leapt of the tree and barrel rolled right into Starfright causing him to fall over and let go of the dragon he heard a thud and turned around to see Leafjumper on top of a knocked-out advisor “this is a terrible plan” Leafjumper complained as he took the stone from the pouch around the advisor’s neck. Treeseeker signalled to the dragon to follow them and ran towards the ocean as 5 dragons ran after them “get him” a dragon behind him shouted. The guard turned around after dropping Shrubcollector and breathed in. Treeseeker pointed the stone at the floor and a large wooden spike jutted out of the ground. Fire hit the spike, but Treeseeker and Leafjumper jumped before the flames reached them and they plummeted towards the ocean.


Treeseeker looked back and saw the swooping army he pointed the stone at the wall and a giant spike jutted out of it blocking the dark dragons from them, but fire broke it and it hit one of the dark dragons. The dark dragon went out of control and a wing knocked the good dark dragon. Leafjumper went after the dragon, but the wooden spike was plummeting down towards him, so Treeseeker pushed Leafjumper out of the way and pain echoed all through his body, he heard Leafjumper scream his name then the world disappeared all around him.


“Stuck in this volcano is more pain than I could ever cause” the giant thought angrily. The advisor and Starfright came in “you got the stones” he said the 2 dragons looked at the floor “where’s Deathnight” he said in a low voice “he betrayed us sir” the advisor told “liar” the giant roared. “my most trusted soldier, siding with scum like them never”  he thought “it’s true sire, his last words were to you he said ‘if you stop this war then you might find that the world isn’t against us’” Starfright said the giant signalled that this discussion was over and they left “was he right could we live in peace, but what kinds of peaceful tribes punish one whole tribe for something on dragon did”.

Wavetamer swam around the underwater city the houses were made of materials that water could get through and the entrances have holes that go down the up then you must open a hatch and then close it. She shot up out of the water did a loop and landed on an island and looked like the sun rose over Hitoria. “Wavetamer you could be seen” another dragonet 2 years older than her said as he got out of the water more stealthily “the forest dragons are the only tribe that can see us and their passive, they barely even eat meat” Wavetamer argued. She leapt and sprang her wings out as she watched the forest “what’s life like there, how’s their queen or king” her mind flooded with questions “will I ever meet one”. she stopped she heard stories about other dragons how dangerous they are, well most of them but she wanted to know a living dragon to see one for herself.


“Wavetamer” he said breaking her thoughts “meeting with the queen” “fine Coralcrasher” she sighed before somersaulting into the water she swam to the palace, using the current to make her faster. She dived in the hole and surfaced into the place letting the light reflect off her scales “the queen is going to hate me” she smiled before landing on the marble floor and sat with the rest of her family in front of the queen. She sat on her throne with a scowling look on her face above her was a golden dragon that majestically curled around the shining blue stone “is it hard trying to be prettier than me” the queen questioned.


Wavetamer looked at the queen who had dozens of jewels on her “will my parents lose my job if I say no” Wavetamer asked “yes” the queen scowled “then you have you answer” Wavetamer told “anyway” her dad cut off before the queen could yell back “we saw some forest dragons come out of the forest and one entered the hut” “poor babies I bet they don’t know what good looking is” the queen tsked “they might think something is in there that they can use to defeat us” Coralcrusher suggested “what part of passive don’t you understand they probably want something in the house but not for that” Wavetamer disagreed “send more spies if they think they’ll find anything in that hut they are brain dead” the queen insisted.


The family swam out the palace, her mom and dad headed for the cliff while Coralcrasher went in the other direction. “Where does my adopted brother always go at this time of day” she wondered but she would have to find that out later. She swam close to the ground to not be spotted “forest dragons I thought they stayed in the forest, why would they be at the hut” she thought. When they reached the cliff her mom dad and the other dragons who came shot out of the water and into a cave that was just above the shoreline. Wavetamer clung to a rock that jutted out of the water and climbed up the side that they couldn’t see her.


“how’s Wavetamer” one dragon said “still teasing the queen” her mother said “she’s going to get banished that way” another person said. Wavetamer tried shutting off the voices and looked up “would anyone notice if I just had a peak” she thought she climbed further up the rock as they joked “this could be my one chance to see them” she was almost on top of the rock, no one noticed her yet “don’t catch me” she thought as she reached the top “this is it the time I finally meet a dragon that’s not from my tribe” she pushed off the rock and soared into the air “Wavetamer what are you doing” a cry from below called.


Wavetamer looked down and saw her mother flying just below her. Wavetamer sighed and sat on the rock she was hiding behind “I just wanted to meet one” Wavetamer whined “and what if they trick you into liking them and you spill all of her secrets” her mother warned her, and her dad are the only people in the family that aren’t paranoid that dragons from other tribes want to attack them I mean who would conquer a kingdom they can’t even breath in. “Don’t you think you’re overreacting just a tiny bit” Wavetamer told “there’s probably no reason forest dragons are here, we should just tell the queen there’s nothing of value” a sea dragon said “one of us should stay just in case” her father asked “I will, you all go” the dragon that suggested the idea said the rest of the sea dragons went.


“Come on” her mother told “can’t I stay with you” she insisted “no” both said firmly “fine” Wavetamer gave up. She was about to go into the water when she looked back at the top of the cliff “smoke, but that would mean”. “there’s fire up there” she shouted “that’s impossible” the dragon told her; did she imagine it or was there a glint of terror in his eyes. “Smoke equals fire” she shouted before launching herself up the cliff “get down this instant” her mother and the other dragon called but she didn’t stop “why was there fire, what were the forest dragons doing”.


Her question was answered as 2 dragonets were launched off the cliff followed by 5 dragons “are those dark dragons” she worried as she flew away from the chaos. a large spike jutted out of the wall, but a dark dragon blew fire at it “how did he do that” she wondered. He saw the wooden spike hit one of the dark dragons. The dark dragon went out of control and a wing knocked another one. One of the forest dragons went after the dragon, but the wooden spike was plummeting down towards him, so the other forest dragon pushed the first one out of the way and the wooden spike hit him and he lost consciousness, she heard the forest dragon that was pushed out of the way screamed Treeseeker.


“Was that his name” she thought before she realized that she was zooming towards the dark dragons. Crack Wavetamer smacked a dark dragon with her tail into the cliff and grabbed Treeseeker and the stone he was holding. She rushed towards the other one and grabbed him “watch out” the forest dragon said, and she turned, and her wing collided with something “we have to get her” Leafjumper said as she pointed to the dark dragon who was fending off several dragons “ok but I have to set you down” she said as she gently put them in the cave and rushed off to help her. Wavetamer bit into a dark dragon’s tail causing his head to jerk and shoot fire at the cliff.


The rocks plummeted on top of a dark dragon, and he circled the dragon to avoid the swipes and whacked him on the top of his head and sprayed water in his eyes. Wavetamer charged at the dragon that had a chain around the dragon’s snout “attacking your own tribe really” she said before headbutting him away from her “we’re not going to win this, you need to get out of here” the dark dragon said “not without you” Wavetamer told “don’t worry about me just help them” she said as she pointed at the cave “can I at least know your name” she asked “Magicstar” she smiled and raced after the dark dragons and flew away “good luck, Magicstar” Wavetamer talked before going to the cave.


“Will he be ok” Wavetamer worried “he should be ok but is there a safer place to sleep tonight?" the forest dragon asked said politely “you can stay at the palace” the sea dragon said. The forest dragon narrowed his eyes “but by the time you tell her and she figure’s out how to get us to the palace without drowning the night will already be gone”. “We also found this dragon nearly before Wavetamer grabbed you” the sea dragon told showing a bleeding and broken black dragon. The forest dragon looked like just looked happy but also sad at once “I would like to bury him if you don’t mind” he finally said.


They decided to take them to the island she was on just that morning. “So, care to tell us why your being chased” the sea dragon asked, “shouldn’t you be telling important messages to the queen” the forest dragon scoffed. He sighed angrily and dove in the water “she doesn’t seem to trust me, by the way I’m Leafjumper” he asked as he observed her mother acting like she was ready for him to shoot venom at her “that’s my mother she doesn’t trust any dragon that’s from a different tribe” she told. They sat in front of the place where the dark dragon was buried “who was he” Wavetamer asked.


Leafjumper told the story of everything that happened the chief’s death, the advisor being a dark dragon how they ended up going off the cliff “why do you trust me” Wavetamer questioned “they wouldn’t send a dragonet for a spy, your mother, father and siblings if you have any shouldn’t be” Leafjumper explained “you think he’s a dark dragon” she realised “what is he like” Leafjumper asked “dad says he is likeable but I guess he shouldn’t have sent the others because he thought nothing was going” Wavetamer stopped “to happen” she finished “so it’s safe to assume that he’s a dark dragon but why were you there” he questioned. Wavetamer told him all she knew, ignoring the looks her mother was giving her “wow your queen sounds worse than our new chief” Leafjumper told than looked as though he was thinking “not by much though” he eventually said before seeing that the sun was going down and he curled up beside his still brother “please be ok” she thought as she watched the slow lowing sun.


She woke up the sun glowing in her eyes and Leafjumper was already up staring at the forest “must be hard not being able to see the ones you love” Wavetamer asked as she sat beside him “I’ll see them again” he said hopefully “that’s what my brother would have said anyway” he told as he looked at his brother “is he as good as you say” Wavetamer wondered “probably better” Leafjumper chuckled. Sea dragons started to walk out of the water and circle Leafjumper while also pushing her out of the way. The queen emerged from the water and landed in front of Leafjumper and probably was expecting him to cower or admire her, but Leafjumper just looked at her with an expression that said ‘really’.


“I bet you have heard of me” the queen said as she went into an elegant but unnecessary pose “you might have been mentioned once or twice” Leafjumper questioned. The queen scoffed and said, “I’m queen Waterruler” the queen circled him “if you try to attack me you will surely meet the same fate as your friend” the queen called and Leafjumper clenched the sand he was standing on “we just want help and security” Leafjumper told “why don’t you go back to the forest kingdom” the queen asked in a superior. Leafjumper gave a worrying look at Treeseeker who the sea dragons were looking at “we would’ve done that if we could, but we can’t so just let me, and my brother stay here until he gets better, and we’ll be out of your scales” Leafjumper told.


Wavetamer wondered why a dragon would be in her scales but she just waited until the sea dragons left except the ones that were helping Treeseeker “you are in big trouble” Coralcrasher said “there dragonets they are obviously not going to attack us” Wavetamer argued “don’t you find it odd that they haven’t told us anything” “one of them is unconscious and the other has full right not to tell us anything” Wavetamer finished before walking over to Leafumper. Leafjummper noticed her come over and nodded as they walked in the woods “so if I heard correctly, we need to get the stone as soon as possible” she whispered “yes, and if I heard correctly “it’s in the centre of the dragon statue above the throne” Leafjumper said “and you can’t get there without losing your breath” Wavetamer added “no” he said as he knew what she was going to do “but” “no” “Leafjumper we can’t trust anyone else to get it, we will just watch the stone until we know Treeseeker is alright and we have a solid plan but after that I’m the only one who can reach it” Wavetamer explained. Leafjumper reluctantly nodded and they walked back to the beach.


Leafjumper returned to Treeseeker while Wavetamer splashed in the ocean and spotted the sea dragon that was most likely a dark dragon with the queen as they entered the palace “she could be dead at any moment and not realise it” Wavetamer thought while going into the palace and sneaking behind a column that supported the place. “Oh, Currenttrailer isn’t it a lovely palace I have here” the queen cheered as she lifted into the air circled the place than landed on her throne “Currenttrailer? I guess you don’t want a threatening name if you want people to think you a non-threatening dragon” Wavetamer thought “yes but we should talk about the doom those dragonets could pose to your throne” Currenttrailer asked “what doom? those dragonets can’t even reach me” the queen laughed “but what if they enlist help from someone who can” he suggested.


Queen Waterruler now looked curious and so did the 10 other dragons in the room “Wavetamer seems to have developed a friendship with one of the forest dragons not to mention that she obviously is not the biggest fan of your marvellous reign” Currenttrailer continued “marvellous, isn’t that a bit of an exaggeration” Wavetamer thought “that is true” the queen said “she wouldn’t betray her tribe” her father said. Treeseeker, Leafjumper and several forest dragons who Leafjumper mentioned popped into her mind “not just my tribe” she thought. “We should set more guards around them and maybe Wavetamer shouldn’t be allowed on that island” Currenttrailer suggested and Wavetamer snuck back into the water and went to the island.


“The plan hasn’t changed but I will leave you this” Leafjumper said after hearing what happened, he placed the green stone in her talons “you’re trusting me” Wavetamer questioned. Leafjumper nodded “Wavetamer, time to go” the mother said as she came out of the water. Wavetamer covered the stone “ok” she said as she drooped her head and plunged into the water “they’ll be fine” she thought as she entered the house “did he do anything suspicious” the mother said as Wavetamer approached her sleeping room “I think he looked at a tree weirdly” Wavetamer joked before opening the door and entering the room. “Where to hide it” she thought as she closed the door. She put it under her sleeping space and slept.


She got up and checked on the stone, she grabbed a pouch that hang from the table and put the stone in it and pulled on the string and put it around her neck. She headed for the palace and hid behind the column again. Currenttrailer came in a short time later “hello my queen” he said at the queen who had her head lazily on the talon rest. “Hello Currenttrailer” the queen told while lifting her head off the throne. 2 guards walked through a hallway not far from the throne and perched themselves on either side of the throne “the forest dragon has shown signs that he is getting better” Currenttrailer said. Joy suddenly shot through her body “Treeseeker” she thought “and Wavetamer” the queen told “oh no I forgot to check if I was followed” she panicked but stood still “she’s closer than you think” he said in a triumphant tone while looking straight at her.


The guards sprang towards the column she was hiding behind. Wavetamer climbed up the pillar and leapt off it, towards the stone. The queen screamed “oh shush it I’m not aiming for you” she thought as her claws stretched towards the gem. A flash of blue hit her, and she hit the cold marble floor “what are you doing” the figure said to her “I could say the same to you” she said as she looked at the dragon who stood before her, Coralcrasher. Coralcrasher walked towards her, but she whacked him with her wing, rolled to her talons and hit one of the guards with her tail she shot up into the air and sprayed the floor with water causing the other guard to fall. She flew to the stone and the queen rushed out of her throne. Wavetamer took the stone and put it in her pouch, suddenly she was knocked and pinned to the ground by Currenttrailer.


His talon was raised in the air about to slash across her throat “wait” the queen told. Currenttrailer looked like he had an argument in his head and when he started to smirk Wavetamer knew what decision he made, and her claws sprang across his snout. Currenttrailer wobbled back and Wavetamer rushed to the exit, but the guards were already there blocking it. Wavetamer held her pouch and focused the water started to move and then suddenly pushed the guards out of the way and she drove straight into the water. She swam out of the palace and hid between some rocks near the hole. Coralcrasher came out and looked around and went towards the house. Currenttrailer came out and rushed towards the guards followed him. Wavetamer went after them while holding the pouch.


Wavetamer snuck on the beach as every dragon was distracted by Currenttrailer and the guards “where is she” Currenttrailer intimidated “how am I supposed to know” Leafjumper shouted “but I do” Wavetamer told before blasting a large blast of water at the 3 dragons. She rushed towards Leafjumper and fit Treeseeker on her back and they rushed in the forest “what went wrong” Leafjumper guessed. “doesn’t matter we got the gems” Wavetamer told. “There’s nothing this way except the ocean” Leafjumper told “well if you have a better idea” Wavetamer told. Leafjumper stopped running and looked around “actually I do” Leafjumper said like even he was surprised.


Leafjumper told her to give him the pouch and grab some vines and she followed his orders after carefully placing Treeseeker on the ground. When she came back Leafjumper had the pouch lying on the ground and he had some sticks “here are the vines” she said. “thanks” Leafjumper said as he picked them up and started tying them together to create a net. “That should at least slow them down” he said as he hid among the trees to the point where you could barely see it. He grabbed Treeseeker and carried him into the canopy “you coming?” he said before disappearing in the leaves Wavetamer followed him into the trees.


The sea dragons came not too much later and looked at the pouch and picked it up “those fools they left them here” Currenttrailer said before opening the pouch a roar of rage was followed by a net dropping on them. Leafjumper appeared in front of her “let’s go” he whispered, and they both went into the direction of the beach “what was in the pouch” Wavetamer asked “just stones I found by a tree” he said. Wavetamer felt like an idiot for not noticing the gems in Leafjumper’s hand. They reached the beach and they rushed to the shore “I should be able to carry you to the cliff” she said but was suddenly tackled across the sand.


Wavetamer was able to knock the dragon off her “really Coralcrasher is that all you can do” she huffed “you attacked an officer steal a stone for forest dragons” he growled “are you implying something here and what were you doing in the palace anyway” Wavetamer accused. Leafjumper stood there like he didn’t know if he should intervene, Coralcrasher glared at her “the answer to that question isn’t necessary” Coralcrasher told “I think it is” Wavetamer called “these dragons are evil” Coralcrasher pointed at Leafjumper and Treeseeker who was lying on Leafjumper’s back, Leafjumper gave him a puzzled look while Treeseeker had his eyes closed and his head lay perfectly along his neck.


“No there not, these are the only dragons you met, and they clearly don’t want to hurt anyone” Wavetamer argued “Currenttrailer met one and they nearly tricked him into killing the queen, but he saw through their lies” Coralcrasher said “what?” Wavetamer thought “what makes you think you can trust him” Wavetamer questioned “because he’s my father” Coralcrasher told. “you’re father?” Wavetamer asked “yes, his egg rolled out of the hatchery and people assumed it was an orphan, but Currenttrailer knew it was his egg” Coralcrasher said “he was lying to you” Leafjumper spoke up “I guess I was wrong there are some dragonets that are smart” a cackle spoke from the forest, followed by shining blue scales. “What?” Coralcrasher confusedly talked as Currenttrailer stood on the beach followed by the queen’s guards and few of the dragons that were guarding the island “I lied to you, I thought if I fed lies in your head about how bad the other tribes are you would spread the news and everyone would talk about how terrible the other tribes are but the only one you could convince was your pathetic mother” Currenttrailer explained. “Why?” Coralcrasher cried, Currenttrailer smirked. His body turned black, his gills disappeared, and blades poked out of the scales followed by the others “I’m guessing you didn’t send the others for backup” Wavetamer sighed.


Leafjumper quickly ran for cover as Coralcrasher and Wavetamer fought the dragons. A guard blasted fire at her which missed her by a millimetre but as he breathed in for another blast Wavetamer blasted water into his mouth and smoke started to billow out. She then charged into him and knocked him to the ground “we’re not going to be able to defeat all of them” she thought as she scanned the fight. A dark dragon lunged towards Coralcrasher, but Wavetamer pulled him out of the way and whacked the dragon with her tail “we need to get out of here” she said, “abandoning the sea kingdom never” Coralcrasher said “it’s better than dying here, we need to go” she said as she swerved away from a blade that was thrown towards her.


Leafjumper was hiding under a fallen tree that lay against another tree “I’ll carry Treeseeker, Coralcrasher you need to carry Leafjumper. They lifted into the air and went towards the ocean, but they were being followed by dark dragons who were blasting fire at them. Treeseeker’s eyes opened slowly and Wavetamer looked at his emerald, green eyes “um what did I miss” he said as he looked at the scenario “I’ll tell you later” Leafjumper told. Treeseeker looked at the water like he was in deep thought “I want you to dive in the water” Treeseeker suggested “what” Wavetamer gasped “trust me” he said as his claws went around her neck to stable himself “ok” she said and dived in the water followed by Coralcrasher.


She heard several other splashes, Treeseeker tugged a tiny bit and they surfaced again “what happened” she said as she looked back to not see any dragon following them. “A little bit of magic” Leafjumper answered as he lifted the sea blue stone “what are we going to do now” Coralcrasher said. “Us 2 decided to get all the stones before the dark dragons, you 2 can come if you want” Treeseeker told, joy rushed through her body again “I don’t think we have a choice” Coralcrasher grumbled “if we did the answer would still be yes” Wavetamer smiled cheerfully.


“One of us shouldn’t have both stones just in case” Leafjumper suggested as he reached his talon for Treeseeker to hold the forest stone “we’re almost there” Treeseeker reassured as Wavetamer tried to stay aloft. Suddenly black scales leapt out of the water and a silver blade was driven into Coralcrasher’s wing. he fell towards the ocean and Leafjumper lost hold of the stone. Wavetamer dove towards the 2 dragonets barrelling towards the sea and grabbed them as Currenttrailer splashed into the water with the stone. The dragonets landed in the cave by the cliff “I’m sorry” Coralcrasher said his eyes drifting to Wavetamer then Leafjumper and finally Treeseeker. blood drooled across the floor, Coralcrasher looked back at his sister “Wavetamer, I thought you were crazy but now I know you were always smarter than I ever could” Coralcrasher told. Wavetamer let her tears run down her face “I love you” she said to him before his eyes closed. No one said anything for a while “we should head for the ice kingdom” Wavetamer spoke, and the others nodded.


A dragon came crawling with a blue stone in hand “I got the stone master” he said “were you seen” the king grumbled “only by 2 forest and sea dragonets but I killed one so the others will be to scared” he smiled “these dragonets, there gathering” the king thought “send a message to our best spy in the ice kingdom” he told the tiny dragon compared to him “what for sir those dragonets, there” he started but he was cut off “gathering allies and stones, there a threat” the lord snapped and the dark dragon sped off. He turned towards the dragon beside him she was chained to the floor, her wings and snout were tied “your friends want power, they couldn’t care less about you” he said as he saw the look in his eyes “right?” a voice in the back of his head said.

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