Not Very Fun | Teen Ink

Not Very Fun

March 13, 2023
By MarceloRIvera1023, Santa Ana, California
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MarceloRIvera1023, Santa Ana, California
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Author's note:

I am Marcelo Rivera an im 13.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Manuel Juarez. Manuel was a short Hispanic boy that wore glasses and baggy clothes. He was lost in a dark and gloomy forest and there were tall trees all around him and what made the situation gloomy in particular is that it was currently raining. The rain was freezing cold or at least it felt like it to Manuel. So he did the obvious thing and tried to look for a place to take shelter since he forgot his umbrella. He  found this abandoned and wrecked building.  The building had graffiti all over it and had cracked and broken walls but for Manuel it was fine to take shelter until the freezing rain stopped and calmed down. As he ran into the building, he was thinking to himself that he needed to hurry up and get in the building because he would get sick if he stayed out in the rain too long. He remembers that his mom would often tell him the same thing while he was playing outside as a kid but she would scold him not in English but in Spanish.

He laughed remembering what his mom would tell him “nino date prisa entra en la casa ahora!’ 

As Manuel was thinking about his mom he heard something walking or even crawling and he got scared since it sounded like whatever was moving was getting closer around a corner of the  building. Manuel screamed in fear just to find out that the only thing around the corner was a little mouse. He was surprised but in a good way since it wasn't some monster and instead just a little mouse.

 “You scared me,” Manuel said to the mouse

 He then tried to wait out the pouring rain but he fell asleep dreaming. As for what he was dreaming about, it was about his mom. You see Manuel’s mom died 2 months prior to this situation. His mom died protecting him from a car about to hit him. He felt guilty since he felt that his mom dying was his fault and since the whole incident turned his dad into an alcoholic. He finally woke up from this god awful dream and Manuel realized that the rain had finally stopped. Manuel took a moment to admire the scenery. It was amazing, he thought because the scenery was no longer depressing and gloomy but instead vibrant . He finally began to walk through the sunny forest to try to find his way back home.

He made his way home around the afternoon since it took him a while to find his way out of the forest. Manuel walked into his home and as soon as he stepped a foot inside he noticed that it was filthy. Manuel saw his dad and he was drinking like always with his new psychotic girlfriend. Manuel knew his Dad didn’t care about him that much anymore since he became an alcoholic. 

And the first thing he heard when he went inside was his dad saying “look who showed up” to Manuel and his dad and his crazy girlfriend arguing about something.

 But Manuel just ignored them and walked to his room. Manuel has a best friend named Jose and he was a bit taller than Manuel and dressed and was a stereotypical nerd. So Manuel calls Jose from the phone he has in his room.

 Manuel said “ yo’ dude you trying to go to the park”

Jose said “sure meet me at corner of my block ok?’’

Manuel said “ok meet you there in a bit bye’’

Jose said “ bye”

 Then Manuel went to the corner of the block and waited for Jose to show up.

Jose showed up and at that point It was dark out and the two boys headed in the direction of the park. The two boys talked about some random thing and laughed on the way to the park. They walk through an alleyway to get to the park a bit faster but they witness something horrific. They witness somebody get murdered in the dark alleyway. The murderer stabbed the person to death. They didn't see the murderer's face since it was covered but Manuel did recognize the person who got killed. He was an old man who lived a couple streets from Manuel's house and Manuel.

Of course Manuel felt bad for the man but he was terrified and what could he really do against the murderer he thought. The main reason why both Manuel and Jose were terrified was because of the stature of the man. The murderer was around 6 feet tall and looked quite buff or strong . The Murderer saw the two boys and threatened them to keep their mouths shut.

 He told them “ now you boys better not tell anybody or I'm coming after you next.”

 The two boys saw his foot step forward as he was about to tell them another threat so they ran. They ran for their lives and as fast as they possibly could to the park.


Jose and Manuel finally arrived tired and panting relentlessly at the park after what felt like hours running. They try to calm down both from all the running and from what they just saw. 

Jose tells Manuel `` that's the guy on the news. The news people said he was on a killing spree, a killing spree man! we’re as good as dead.”

But Jose didn't stop and was having a panic attack walking back and forth. 

Jose told Manuel `` We need to tell the police to protect us”

 Manuel said “ no we can't, he'll kill us if we do, didn't you hear what he said before we  


 “whatever you do dont tell the police '' Manuel said to the now more composed Jose. 

Manuel says '' see you tomorrow” Jose says 

“yeah ok bye.” As Manuels walks home he’s thinking to himself “ is Jose really going to tell the cops if he does we’d be dead.”

  As Jose walks home he thinks to himself “should I tell the cops?” as he’s thinking he sees a dark figure standing near a post. The figure was the murderer and he killed Jose that night for 2 reasons he thought Jose and Manuel told the police or were planning to. However Manuel wasn't with Jose and so the murderer was trying to figure out where he was to get him too. Meanwhile Manuel was still walking wondering if Jose got home safe or if he still hadn't gotten home. Then Manuel arrived home and tried his best to fall asleep.

The next morning Manuel woke up and decided to watch the morning news on the TV before going to school. What he saw on the TV shocked him. Jose and the old man were on the TV both found dead. Manuel bawled his eyes out crying from shock and since he was his best friend.

 Manuel crying woke up his Dad’s girlfriend who told him “ go do something about all the racket your son’s making”

 and his Dad responded with “alright alright just be quiet.”

 Manuel's dad walked out of his room and towards the kitchen where Manuel was currently crying. 

His Dad asked “ Now what are you crying for to keep it down!”

 Manuel told his dad about how his best friend died expecting his dad to at least show some sympathy. 

But instead Manuel's Dad laughed in his face telling him “ that's what you deserve you made my wife your mom die now your friend dies.”

Manuel responded to his dad laughing in his face with pure anger screaming back at him “It wasn't my fault!” 

Manuel, fueled with both rage and panic tried to hit his dad but he missed and instead Manuels dad hit him. Manuel just got his backpack and ran out of the house to school while panicking he thought to himself “ if the murderer killed Jose he’s going after me next.”


Manuel tries to forget the thought that just crossed his mind and goes to the bus station to realize that the bus had just left so he had to walk all the way to the school. Manuel finally gets to the school but he gets there late and what makes it worse is that his teacher calls him out and scolds him harshly in front of the class. So Manuel does that obvious thing and talks back to the teacher by making fun of his appearance. The teacher does the same thing back but louder so everyone in the class could hear and he does it better. The whole class starts laughing and mocking Manuel as the teachers tell him to take his seat. Manuel takes his seat and thinks about what just happened and where he’s going to go after school. Manuel also thought about what happened to Jose. Part of him felt angry and the other part of him felt depressed. Jose was the only thing Manuel had since his mom died and his dad turned to alcohol. In his mind he had two choices: the part of him that was depressed thought to sulk and do nothing. The part of him that was angry was absolutely furious and thought of getting revenge on the murderer. Manuel now had to choose between the two choices, sure enough he chose to get revenge on the murderer as a better idea than doing nothing and being prone to getting killed by the murderer. 

Manuel spent the whole class period trying not to break out in tears and thinking about what he was going to do next so by the time he knew it the class period was over. Since Manuel had no other friends so he went on with his school day.

School was out and Manuel started walking home but he was very paranoid looking and turning his head everywhere. He thought to himself “ he might be around here somewhere waiting for me’’ he thought this because he believed that the murderer would come after him next.

Manuel finally gets home after a long, treacherous, and paranoid walk home. The first thing he does when he gets home is he starts running up the stairs creaking every step until he gets to his room. In his room he turns on a tv and goes to some news recordings he finds that the murderer mostly kills middle aged men and at night. 

Manuel runs around his house searching for a map of some sorts relentlessly. His dad finds him.

Manuel's dad tells him “ What are you making so much noise for, what the hell are you looking for boy!”

Manuel responds with “ nothing mind your own business dad”

“Don't tell me to mind my own business in my own house!”

Manuel's dad tries to beat on him but this time when Manuel tries to fight back his fist connects to his scummy dads face. His dads face smacked against the floor and Manuel checked if his dad was unconscious and he was. Manuel went to his room as quickly as possible and started packing. He thought this was the time he could finally leave for good so that's what he did. He figured if he was going to leave he was going to need money so he found his dads wallet and stole the money inside. He proceeded to say his final goodbyes to the house he grew up in and left. 

Manuel found himself loitering around properties trying to find a place to stay at night. He somehow wound up at the same park that he and Jose were the night that Jose got killed. He runs back the memories that he and Jose had  in his head. He falls to his knees sobbing remembering the times that they had together. Manuel stays there crying until he sees a dark shadow figure for a second he gets frightened and even shivers in fear. But Manuel stops shivering as soon as he hears the figure's voice, the voice sounds calm, gentle, and warm. Manuel turns around to see a gentle looking old man wearing a suit and a hat holding a cane.

The old man asks him “ what's wrong boy?”

Manuel tells the old man about everything that has happened in the last few days about home. How he witnessed a murder, how his best friend got killed by the same murderer, how he ran away from home. And how he was angry and wanted to get revenge for his friend and how he was sad. because for some strange reason he felt like he could talk and express his feelings to 

the old man. The old man just listened to Manuel rant about his feelings for what seemed like hours until Manuel finally stopped. The old man then offered some advice.

He told manuel “do you really think your friend Jose would want you to get hurt or even die trying to avenge his death”

Manuel responds with “ I guess you're right but then just what should I do then?”

The old man responds to Manuels question “I dunno I guess just don't get hurt and try not to avenge you friend death ok”

The old man then walked away after sharing that knowledge with Manuel. He never saw that old man ever again but his word stuck with him and Manuel spent the rest of his life trying to find a sense of purpose. The end.

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