#PrayforParis | Teen Ink


March 29, 2016
By Tony_clutch BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Tony_clutch BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I have something to say

As an American citizen living in the 21 century, I feel it is my job to say something. The attack
that took place on 9/11, claiming the lives of over 2,500 American citizens, left us in heartbreak.
Disbelieving shouts and cries echoed through the streets as tears leaked from the eyes of
American families like a broken pipe.

That's how we felt. Broken

And just as we are finally picking ourselves up you decide to strike again. This time in Paris.
What were you thinking? What did you hope to accomplish?

Let me tell you something about my people. The American people. Being a citizen of a
country that has freedom stamped in its DNA.I can have an opinion, even if it’s politically
incorrect, and express it without the fear of going to jail. I can live where and how I want and
worship how and when I want. I can succeed or fail, be right or wrong, participate or quit. And to
me, being an American is not only enjoying those freedoms but respecting your right to do the

For all of the anti-American orginizations , you believe these attacks weaken us. You are
mistaken. We are not weak. We are stronger than you could have ever dared to imagine.


All day I kept seeing and hearing #‎PrayforParis?. I understand that Paris is loved and a well-
known space for a lot of people, but it disturbed me to learn that Baghdad?, a place I have
absolutely no connection with, received even less attention after the senseless bombing that
took place there last week. Worst of all, I found the understanding of the refugee problem Vague
and simplistic. If you've been following the journeys of the people vacating their homes around
the world right now, you’d understand why the words ?#‎SyrianRefugeeCrisis? are just as
devastating as ?#‎PrayForParis?. It's time to pray for humanity. It's time to pray for the world.
show them we are determined. Unimaginable determined.


You see the Faith within our country is strong. We know that no matter what happens, at the
end of the day, We are American.

And as Americans we have pride not to do anything ruinous to hurt or chagrin ourself or our
country. We will mourn, as Americans, and we will rise in defense of our team and will cherish
the American life as we know it.

     You think there's nothing we can possibly do?
     Think again.

The author's comments:

Seeing the reaction to the bombing in Paris and the bombing in Brussels inspired me to write this piece 

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