My Favorite Thing about Wisconsin | Teen Ink

My Favorite Thing about Wisconsin

June 7, 2024
By 5siebold BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5siebold BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The best part about Wisconsin in my opinion is the amount of outdoor experiences that can be pursued. Fishing, hunting, skiing, hiking, and all other kinds of outdoor activities can be found just about anywhere in the state. Wisconsin also has a large selection of county and state parks that appeal to people with differing levels of outdoor expertise. Hiking is a popular activity at these parks, and hikes can vary from challenging summits to easy strolls. For me, hiking is an escape from the stress and problems of my day-to-day life. During the Spring, Fall, and Summer months, tent camping can be explored at any county or state park, many of which are located in the Kettle Moraine National Forest. Fishing can also be undertaken at one of the many lakes in the state. As long as you have access to some type of watercraft (boat, kayak, paddleboard, etc.) you can access any lake via public boat launches, usually located at county parks. Hunting is also a popular pastime that is undertaken by many Wisconsin residents. Many people hunt on private land with the permission of a landowner, but it is also possible to hunt on public land. However, public land is more dangerous and usually yields fewer animals than private land. It is not a bad option, however, for someone who is only hunting for a brief period of time. Overall, I think that the best part about Wisconsin is the multitude of outdoor activities available to residents and visitors.

The author's comments:

I am a resident of Wisconsin and I enjoy being outdoors.

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