Things You Don't Know About the Zodiac Signs | Teen Ink

Things You Don't Know About the Zodiac Signs

October 9, 2018
By 20joness BRONZE, Republic, Missouri
20joness BRONZE, Republic, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Zodiac Signs or Astrological Signs are the twelve 30 degree sectors of the ecliptic, starting at the vernal equinox. Ecliptic meaning a great circle on the celestial sphere representing the sun's apparent path during the year; so called because lunar and solar eclipses can only occur when the moon crosses it. This path runs exactly along the middle of the Zodiac, the constellations lie along this line. The Vernal Equinox is the equinox in spring on about March 20th (first day of spring) in the northern hemisphere and September 22nd (first day of fall) in the southern hemisphere. Vernal in or appropriate to spring, the equinox is the time or date the sun crosses the celestial equator when day and night are of equal length. There are three major Zodiac signs, the Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign or Ascendant sign. Zodiac means a belt of the heavens within about 8 degrees either side of the ecliptic, including all apparent positions of the sun, moon and most familiar planets. It is divided into twelve equal divisions or signs.


The Three Major Signs Explained

The Sun sign is the position of where the sun is at at the time of your birth. Your Sun sign indicates your personality, is based on the day and month you were born. Most people only know about this sign or the “main” sign. As shown in the pictures above, the sun aligns with each sign 12 times out of the year because there are 12 Zodiac signs. The Moon Sign is the position of where the moon is at at the time of birth. The Moon sign represents your inner mood, emotions, and soul. Its determined by a calculation of your full date, (Example, 6-11-02), place, (city and state or country) and time. The Moon sign changes every 2-3 days of the months, so, for example, one that is born on 6-11-02 could have a moon sign of Capricorn while someone born on 6-13-02 could have a moon sign of Aquarius. The Rising signs or The Ascendant sign is the sign that was rising over the horizon at the exact time you were born. It can affect your appearance, your attitude, and the way you come across to others. If you are a Gemini with a Cancer rising then you might have some traits related to a Cancer. The Rising signs change every 2 hours. Again, if you are born on 6-11-02 at 6:34 pm and another person was born 6-11-02 at 8:45 pm, then you're both going to have different Rising signs.


The Main Facts You Need To Know

All the signs have certain dates they are rising on. If you are born between the dates then that's your sign. If you are born on, for example, December 22 then you are automatically a Capricorn. Sometimes it depends on your time of birth because if you are born on January 19 at 12:06 am then you are a Capricorn on its last day of rising. The Zodiac sign cycle starts when Aries rises. It does not begin at the first of the year in January. Multiple people may think that you're a curse because you are born on the last day of the sign, that's not true. It's simply because they don't understand that different signs don't end and start on the same day.

There are 12 signs for every month, although they don't start at the beginning and end at the same time the certain month does. Think of it as 12 signs, 12 months, Every sign has things that are associated with them; elements, symbols, planets, god and goddesses, and quadruplicities. The signs are represented by some type of symbol that represent each sign and their traits. They're also known as the ruling constellations we see in the stars. Zodiac signs are ruled by planets, they govern and imbues or inspires, certain personality traits. For example, Mercury is the planet of communication which rules Gemini, Gemini is the most talkative sign of the 12 Zodiac signs. The Zodiac Signs match with other signs that are compatible with them, meaning, which other signs your love relationship best matches with. But don't worry, while some signs match and others don't, that doesn't mean you have to date the sign that is the most compatible with your own sign. Depending on the signs, some relationships might take more effort to make it work. The quadruplicities are three modes which are cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Four signs fall under one of these three modes.

Cardinal is signs associated with starting things, so the signs that fall under this mode are the signs that start the four seasons. They initiate things or be “enterprising”. They're forceful and aggressive and have the will to accomplish something, often something new. They project into the world. They are creative in the sense that they cause things and start things. They are the most enthusiastic signs and imitators who make changes. These signs prize originality and like to be first in everything they do. They're the trendspotters and trendsetters, the ones who like to get the party started and hyped. Fixed is signs concerned with maintaining something, changing things so they are the same as before, or stabilizing things. They are fixed and change appears to be contradictory. The signs that are under this mode are the signs in the middle of the season. Fixed are the more persistent signs, they persevere through any and every change/situation. Fixed signs are the stabilizers, they set up a solid gold or foundation and the start building. They are the trustworthy types who like to do lists and fancy titles. Mutable is concerned with changing things into something else. This is not transforming as much as its moving onto something else. The emphasis is on adaptability in the sense that while the fixed signs resist change.


The mutable signs accept it. They are the signs that end the seasons, the most adaptable and quite comfortable with change. They know all good things come to an end and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of the seasons. As the adapters of the Zodiac, they are also a little bit older and wiser despite their age. They are also the most flexible and comfortable with change. Mutable signs tend to be the ¨Chameleon¨ because they fit themselves into a variety of situations. Also the editors of the Zodiac, the ones that complete the package with a winning touch.

The Twelve Signs Described

Aries: March 21 - April 19

The Aries symbol of The Ram expresses this Zodiac signs determination and fiery, unstoppable energy. As a driven fire sign and an ambitious Cardinal sign, Aries will butt their ¨horns¨ against any obstacle until they break it down. The ruling Aries planet being Mars comes with the traits of drive, aggression, and competitiveness. The ruling Greek God is Ares’ the God of war. He is known for chaotic, impulsive behavior and tactless aggression. Aries’ most compatible signs are Aquarius, Leo, Gemini, and Sagittarius. The least compatible being Cancer, and Capricorn. Some of the strengths of the first sign of the Zodiac phase are, independent, fearless, idealistic, bold, fight for the underdog, optimism, very impulsive, adjustable, highly intelligent, can overcome setbacks. Active, sincere, genuine and very thoughtful. Some of Aries weaknesses can be rude, prone to tell white lies, reckless and extravagant, impatient, boastfulness. Do not criticism, anger. They are usually in control of their emotions but require mental stimulation in a relationship.

Taurus: April 20 - May 20

The Bull or the Taurus symbol expresses the security and habits of this Zodiac signs slow and steady perseverance. The ruling planet for Taurus is Venus, coming home with the traits of beauty, charm, and sensuality. Hestia, the Greek Goddess rules this sign. Hestia is the Virgin Goddess of hearth, the home, and sacrificial flame. As an earth sign, Taurus’ is grounded, practical and have a realistic perspective. This sign is calm and steadiness is the key for this sign because of being fixed. The signs that are most compatible with Taurus are Virgo, Pisces, Cancer, and Capricorn. The least compatible signs happen to be Leo and Aquarius. Strengths of The Bull sign are, strength, steadfastness, patient, self-controlled, calm, collected, self-reliant, trusting, sympathetic, good advisors, diplomatic, authoritative nature, dependable, practical, and a tidy mind. Weaknesses tend to be, anger when roused, subject to depression, worry, likely to be extravagant, insecurity, and not very demonstrative. While in relationships they are understanding, faithful and loyal, but can become jealous and possessive. They have a love of home life as well.


Gemini: May 21 - June 20

Gemini, or also known as The Twins, are two personalities in one. You will never know which twin you will get while interfering with a gemini. Geminis themselves, don't even know which twin will surface. The symbol of Gemini represents the greek twins Castor and Pollux, as the Gemini constellation is named after as well. As an air sign, Gemini has a natural sense of hyperness and calmness, and a lot of childish innocence. The Twins express the communication, inventiveness, and ingenuity of this sign. Geminis are capable of great achievement, can mix ideal with practical, intelligent, high intellect, intuition, inventive, cleverness, imaginative, ideals with practicality, security of mind, gentleness, affectionate, curiosity, and adaptable While Geminis have a long list of strengths as just mentioned, they have the same size of weaknesses. The weaknesses for the twins are rashness, fickleness, impulsiveness, cunning, deceptive, manipulating, very unpredictable and hard to read, materialistic, temperamental, dislike of being tied down, impatient, never satisfied, nervous, inconsistent and indecisive. As the most talkative sign of the Zodiac, Mercury rules Gemini as the planet of communication skills, intellect, and cleverness. Greek God Hermes of Roman God Mercury, is the messenger, of the Gods & Goddesses. Hermes is the gods of herds and flocks, communication, language, and writing. Hermes is also the guide of the dead, he leads souls to the underworld. Geminis most compatible signs are Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius. The least compatible are Virgo and Pisces. Gemini is great at adapting and changing things into something else, so as a Gemini, they are bound to fall under mutable.


Cancer: June 21 - July 22

The Cancer symbol, The Crab, expresses the nurturing, and feminine qualities of this sign. Cancer tends to go with the flow as their element water does as well. The traits of sensitivity, nurturing, and fluctuating moods are traits from the ruling planet the moon. Artemis is the greek goddess of the moon, hunting, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and as a protectress of young girls. Cancers most compatible signs are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. The signs least compatible are Aries and Libra. As a cardinal sign, Cancer is always starting things. Some strengths of Cancer are that they are romantic, imaginative, intelligent, the gift of extra sensory perceptions, factual, logical, intuitive, sympathetic, genuine memory, humor, and conversation. Cancers weaknesses are secretive, tend to carry other people's problem, broody, self-critical, insecure, retreat into their own shells, likely to suffer depression. In romance, they tend to be home, loving and loyal to their families, but need time and space to themselves.


Leo: July 23 - August 22

The Lion is the symbol of Leo. It expresses the bold and playful qualities of this Zodiac sign. The ruling by the sun comes with courage, self-expression, and boldness. Leo's ruling Greek God is Zeus, the king of all gods and goddesses. Zeus is the god of the sky, weather, destiny, fate, kingship, law and order. Leos provide warmth, friendliness, leadership, pioneering spirit, generous, sincere, sympathetic, organizational skills, delegation, compassion, creative, physical attraction, independence, witty, and loyalty. Leo’s weaknesses are egotistical, fear of rejection, and needs self-approval. When in romance they are faithful and loyal but require a partner which shows interest in his or her ambitions and who will provide support and encouragement. As the sign that in the middle of summer they are fixed. The most compatible signs for The Lion are Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. The least being Taurus, and Scorpio. Their element if fire.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Known as The Maiden, it expresses the service-oriented and innocent qualities of this Zodiac sign. They are talkative, having to share the same ruling planet as Gemini, Mercury. Virgos are great communicators. Ruled by Greek Goddess Demeter is the goddess of agriculture, grain, and bread. Virgos tend to be intelligent, have perception, need for perfection, honesty, integrity, concern for others, helpful, reserved, precision, inventive, and clear thinkers. Although their weaknesses are cynicism, pessimism, criticism, (including self-criticism) unforgiving, anxiety, nervousness, hypochondriacs, and laziness. When Virgos are in love they are not particularly romantic but are loyal and faithful. They are not jealous or possessive but tend to like order in their lives. They need a partner to lead and encourage them. Most compatible signs are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn. The least is known as Gemini, and Sagittarius, Virgos is a mutable sign. They have the traits of being grounded considering their element is Earth.


Libra: September 23 - October 22

The Scales is the symbol of Libra. It expresses the fairness and equality of this Zodiac sign. Venus is Libra's ruling planet, having the traits of beauty, charm, and sensuality. Aphrodite the Greek goddess is the goddess of love, pleasure, beauty, and procreation. Libra’s strengths are the charm, consideration, intelligence, conversation, good listeners, pacifists, dislike upset, preferring harmony, honesty, sensitivity, resourceful, adaptable. The weaknesses of this sign are that they cannot provide a direct answer, argumentative, intolerant, impatience, moody, careless and restless. In romance they are romantic, generous and affectionate, preferring orderly comfortable homes. They are either jealous or possessive. Cardinal and air sign.


Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Scorpio is represented with The Scorpion, its stinger expresses the intensity, depth, and obsessiveness of this zodiac sign. Scorpio has two ruling planets actually, although one rules stronger than the other. The main ruling planet is Pluto, and Mars has a minor rule over Scorpio. These planets have the traits of intensity, depth, control, and power. Greek God Hades, God of the dead and king of the underworld. Only god to never cheat on his wife. He's responsible for funeral rites and defending the rights of the dead. The most compatible signs are Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces. The least compatible are Leo and Aquarius. Water and fixed. Strengths are hypotonic, personality, magnetic charm, strong opinions, determination, strong-willed, resourceful, energy, dignity, courage, tenacity, decisive, creative, generous, and sincere. Scorpios weaknesses are complexity, brusque, over critical of others, uncompromising, egotistic, practice and secretive. In romance, relationships tend to be stormy, they can show jealousy and possessiveness. They need constant reassurance.


Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Represented with the symbol of The Archer. The arrow pointed skyward expresses the wisdom and honesty of this philosophical zodiac sign. Jupiter is the ruling planet, qualities of optimism, abundance, and a big appetite for life. The Greek god Dionysus, god of wine, pleasure, vegetation, festivity, and madness. The Most compatible signs are Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius. The least is Virgo and Pisces. Sagittarius is mutable and their ruling element is fire. Strengths they are warm, sympathetic, charming, honest, integrity, optimistic, humorous, discernment, imaginative, clever, eloquent and ambitious. Some weaknesses of this sign include, impulsive, mature, restless, outspoken, quick-tempered, and impatient. In relationships, they are independent but offer loyalty, affection, and generosity. They will always offer a compromise but are inclined to mistrust.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 19

Represented by The Mountain Goat. The Capricorn symbol of the hoof of a mountain goat and tail of a fish expresses the prestige and ambition of this overachieving zodiac sign. Ruling planet is Saturn, and gives traits of discipline, restraint, and a hard work ethic, Greek God Apollo, god of music, song, poetry, prophecy and archery, healing and protection of the young. Most compatible signs are Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. The least Compatible for this Cardinal sign is Aries and Libra. Some strengths would include, clam, intelligent, practical, determined, shrewd, concentration, ambitious, perseverant, tolerance, endurance, control of emotions, wisdom, decisive, realistic, fairness, constructive and diplomatic. Weaknesses for this earth sign are, appearing cold, melancholic, difficult in forgetting, problems, self-protective, tend to suffer depression, cannot allow people to get to close to them. Can submerge into periods of silence. Capricorns are devoted, loyal, loving and home-loving while in a relationship.


Aquarius: January 20- February 18 eleventh house

Aquarius or The Water-Bearer expresses the humanitarianism of the future forward zodiac sign. Like Scorpio, this sign has two ruling planets that either has a strong or minor rule. This being Uranus, and Saturn the minor rule over. Traits of originality, innovation, shock, and values. Greek God Prometheus. Titan god of forethought and clever counsel, and molded mankind out of clay. Most compatible signs with Aquarius are Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. The least coming in as Taurus and Scorpio. This air and the Fixed sign has the strengths of charm, personality, well mannered, tenacious, concentration. Weaknesses are easily bored, conceited, evasive, impersonal, shy, and cannot show emotion. While in love this sign is generous and loyal, always willing to compromise and make every effort to make a relationship work.

Pisces: February 19 - March 20

Pisces or The Fish expresses the hidden agendas and the psychic phenomenon of this fantasy-fueled zodiac sign. Ruling planets are Neptune and a minor rule of Jupiter. Traits of, compassion, creativity, psychic powers. Greek God Poseidon, god of sea, earthquakes, floods, drought, and horses. Protector of all waters and sailors also worshipped as a fertility god. Most compatible signs are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn. The least being Gemini and Sagittarius. Mutable and water, this sings strengths are creative, artistic, imaginative, unusual talents, intelligent, humor, versatile, sympathetic, understanding, tolerant, intuitive, psychic ability, generous, affable, and friendly.. Weaknesses are self-critical, lack of ambition, difficult to understand, need mental companionship, sarcastic. In romance, they are loyal, affectionate and have a sense of humor, love home life. They are not jealous partners.

Although I'm sure I didn't talk about all the things you know to know about the twelve individual signs. But pretty interesting right? I now want you to figure out what your sign is, sometimes you don't relate to your sun sign at all but you might be more of your moon or rising sign so, what's your sign?

The author's comments:

I wrote this article about Zodiac Signs for people that want to learn about or know more about the Zodiac signs. They can even discover what their own signs is. 

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