Personal experience essays written by teens | Teen Ink

Personal Experience

Top voted Personal Experience Articles

#24961voted by our readers
By jasmineloveswriting SILVER
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan

its astonishing. how quickly you can feel that smile melt off your face, how painful it is to let out that sigh of disappointment, how agonizing it is to be let down. to have all t...
jasmineloveswriting SILVER, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
9 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you're never going to find someone that won't hurt you, thats why we only stay with the ones who are worth all the pain."

#24962 Nonfiction
By Anonymous
#24963 Nonfiction
#24964 Nonfiction
By 18msmall BRONZE
Fanwood, New Jersey
18msmall BRONZE, Fanwood, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#24965 Nonfiction
Daeorod14 SILVER, Lilburn, Georgia
9 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Look inside yourself to save yourself from your other self. Only then will your true self reveal itself."

TheCreativeChristian SILVER, Enid, Oklahoma
5 articles 38 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can do all things who Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13

#24967 Nonfiction
Michaela Ketcham SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#24968 Nonfiction
By keyashah03 BRONZE
Allen, Texas
keyashah03 BRONZE, Allen, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#24969 Nonfiction
By bob018 BRONZE
Blah, Florida
bob018 BRONZE, Blah, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#24970 Nonfiction
By Anonymous