The Break Up | Teen Ink

The Break Up

June 8, 2018
By Dr-rabbiit-x BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
Dr-rabbiit-x BRONZE, Gresham, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was just at the mall with my girl. It was all good everything was just fine and we went from store to store just goofing off. I bought her a teddy bear, flowers and she got her nails done.  I felt like I was drunk on love. Her name was Hannah and we had been talking for five years before. We both were at the foodcourt and we was sitting at the table. She picked up her phone constantly. While as she did that my eyes wander up at other couples, watching them talk and making each other laugh. I felt like my stomach was twisting and turning because I knew I wasn't doing something right.

“Do you wanna go get some food?”

“ No I think we should talk.”

Those words made me think immediately Marshal, Martin, Myles, Mark, Morgans, and Miguel. Just made me think of all the guys it could be.

“ I think we should break up.”

“ Um what? Why?”

She handed me back the promise ring I gave her.

“ I just dont think u give me enough attention.”  

“ Umm what?”

She was texting as she said that. So I took her phone and she was texting some other dude. I gave her phone back and said nothing else after that. I felt this knife in my back and knots in my neck.

“Alright then.”

“ wait.”

I just kept looking down and walking forward. I felt these bullet holes in my chest. Felt like I just wanted to go home a sleep never waking up from the rest. Feeling all of these emotions was very hard. Everything I was going through and having this situation being added on to what I have already been through made me lose trust in a lot of people. Being crushed by weight of hatred and anger. Made my shoulders hurt, my knees weak and ache with betrayal, but made my understanding of the world stronger. I have been lied to a lot so that is why I like a lot of trust. Few months past and she had decided to call me. I do not know why.

" Hi how are you?"

" I am doing fine."

" How come we don't talk anymore I thought we were friends."

" I do not usually mess with people who break my trust or turn their back on me. I am still here if you need someone to talk to, but do not think you can come back into life thinking that things are good."

I just felt this redness in my ears and my fingers were fighting each other fidgeting and cracking of the knuckles. Pulsating pain in my forehead that gets meaner after each pulse.

"I just don't understand why you gotta be so dry."

" You turned your back on me. What reason would I have to let you to come back into my life? You can come to me if you need something but don't want nothing more. You throw away five years. I came out the gutter and spent all my money, time and emotion on you and you did me dirty."

I have always hated when someone calls me dry. It is like sticking a needle in my eyes.

" I have something to tell you."

" What is it?"

" I cheated on you more than once."

She started to cry. I did not feel any kind of way towards her. I feel a little bad now.

" I did something worse."

" What did you do?"

" I trusted you."

The author's comments:

This piece is about me and my experince with a messed up reltionship. I do not usualy show people my writing. All of this happenend during a very rough time in my life.The bold is me talking and the italics is her. This a vignette.Um I do not know what else to put but enjoy.

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