Going Into Kindergarten | Teen Ink

Going Into Kindergarten

June 8, 2018
By Anonymous

I remember getting to my elementary, thinking the building and playground looked abnormally large. Looking back at it, the building is one of the smallest at the school. I arrived with my mom and sister. I was very lucky to be going into school with someone I was used to being around. I hadn't had any prior education before, other than my aunt teaching us once a week at home, but even then it was a one on one process. I don't remember much, but the classroom was filled with weird any annoying kids, some that I would be stuck with until High School.

I walked into the classroom and found my friend Erin. Looking back, I don't know how I knew her, I can't remember meeting her before. We began to play with these colorful foam building blocks. I don't remember saying bye to my mom, or even crying for that matter, but I am told I needed to be held back while she left. The classroom had three rooms inside. The main room, the bathrooms, and my teachers office. My teachers name was Mrs. B. The main room had a toy kitchen in the front, a table in the corner, a sink and cubbies in the back, bathroom near the sinks, and a office near the front that lead to the other Kindergarten teachers room. Everything was colorful. Everyday we would be in separate groups doing different activities. The activities consisted of playing in the toy kitchen, playing with playdough, playing with blocks, or listening to audio books. My favorite activity was playing in the toy kitchen. During snack time and lunch, we would eat, play on the playground; which was specifically for kindergarteners, or play in a bush.

We did a lot of things at Lunch. One day was pool day, in which the school would provide small kiddie pools, water tables, and shaved ice. One day, the teachers husband was visiting because he forgot his phone there. The teacher had us hide it and pretend nothing happened.

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