The Day My Sister Was Born | Teen Ink

The Day My Sister Was Born

June 8, 2018
By Anonymous

I wake up slowly. Today is the big day. I will finally meet my little sister. I can’t wait, to see her and also to see my parents. They have left for an eternity now; two days is long, in my opinion.

She was born only a couple of days ago, she is already so important to me. She doesn’t even know it, but she’s already my friend. We must develop a good relationship, so we become great friends for life. My godmother is babysitting me, while my mom and dad are at the hospital. After a few days we can go visit the new baby at the hospital. I see her for the first time, I feel proud, she’s so pretty. Then, we make our way back home as a new family. We use to return home only the three of us, but today is different we are now four in the family; what a beautiful number. Today August 13, 2005 I feel so grateful. Someone brought me an amazing little flower, a yellow rose. I smell my little sister, the flower, and she smells so good. I look at her and I realize that we will have an amazing journey together.

I ask my parents if I can take her in my arms. I touch her little hands. She looks and feels just like a flower, small and beautiful, delicate and precious. When I looked at her then, I knew that I would protect her the rest of my life. Here with me she will be safe, as I will be sure to take care of her. I will always be there for her. I feel so happy and I have a huge smile on my face, although I know that things will change at home. I'm not worried because my family is there for me and I am there for them, whatever happens. I love them, they are so important to me. And now that my little sister is born, we are a new team now, partners for life. I am so lucky to have her now. I am grateful for having such an amazing family. I love them they are my All-Star team!

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