Mikey | Teen Ink


June 7, 2018
By Anonymous

I went to Wendy’s for lunch with my friends Caden and Vituse one day. We all got frosty’s, and we left to walk back as soon as we received our Frosty´s, as we were walking back a man approached us and yelled ¨I opened the awning portal!¨ and I replied that's cool bro, where?” “I...I...I...I...I opened a comic book shop” he continued to follow us to school. He said “This is an alternate universe where I go to high school instead of San Barlow!” Caden then said “Oh you go to barlow?” and he said “No I graduated from there and college, I have the same IQ as Stephen Hawking, that should tell you how smart I am.”  At this point I just wanted to get away from him so I tossed my half eaten Frosty at Vituse knowing he would hit it away, ( I Was hoping he would hit it at the guy) he hit onto the ground and the guy picked it up and started eating it with my spoon and said “Mikey will eat anything, i'm Mikey I’ll even eat dragons. The end.

The author's comments:

I like long walks on the beach

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