Her Fault | Teen Ink

Her Fault

February 20, 2018
By Anonymous

Why did she have to grow up so fast?

Why couldn't that happen last?

When she's ready.


She didn't want him to do it. And he knew it.

He was bigger and stronger and she was weaker and smaller.


She wanted him to stop but he kept going.

He wanted more as she begged for less. 


Now everyday she sits on her bed and cries. 

It was her fault, she didn't make him stop, she wasn't raped. 

The author's comments:

I was personally raped by a man I had known for years. I can't tell anyone what happened because my family would be so disappointed in me. I keep this to myself because people just don't understand what happened. 


I believe it was my fault because I put myself in the situation. Also I haven't told my parents or the police because I'm scared of what will happen to me. How people will react knowing the truth. 


I hate that I will always have that haunting me. But it's my fault.

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