Addiction | Teen Ink

Addiction MAG

January 26, 2018
By Anonymous

I used to be a drug addict. A year ago you wouldn’t hear me saying that; in fact, I was in denial of that idea. But now I’m clean and sober and have been for the last year. It was a long, hard journey. At my worst, I was smoking meth, pot, doing cocaine, and drinking heavily. That’s not me anymore. 

Even though I will continue to be clean and sober and can help those who struggle with addiction, I miss what my life used to be. I miss my old self, the girl before she became immersed in drugs and alcohol. I may be clean and sober now, but as soon as I have the chance, I fear I’ll take that hit. I fear I’ll take that shot. It’s just one hit, you know? No big deal. One shot isn’t anything … but one always leads to another and then another – until you’re completely under the rule of the drug.

You can never control your addiction; it controls you. Addiction is a demon that latches itself onto you as soon as you take that first “tiny little hit” or that “one simple shot” that we all think won’t do any harm. But in reality, that demon is mischievously smiling at its victory in pulling you into the unfaltering downward spiral, the void of addiction.

I tried staying clean and sober before. I did for a little bit, until the demon  once again pulled me into that same old darkness. I welcomed it with open arms, and it ruined everything. The demon has heartbreaking ways of destroying your life and turning it into a disaster. The demon gives the impression that the life it so easily ruined can never be put back into order. I thought I would forever be imprisoned in the black hole of addiction until I died by overdosing or by being poisoned. 

However, I saw behind the demon’s eyes. There is nothing but pure hatred, a lust for chaos, and complete evil there. If you look further into his eyes, you will find weakness. The way I overcame the demon of addiction was to finally stand up, put the bottle or pipe down and look the demon in the face and simply say no. I said no to using drugs and alcohol; I said no to letting the demon ruin my life further; I said no to the negativity that addiction brings.

Bringing down the demon is never easy; many don’t succeed, but so many have been able to put their life back into order. When you stop using drugs and alcohol, your life can completely turn around for the better. One thing I know for sure, however, is that you can never kill the demon of addiction. Even if you defeat him, he will always be lurking and tempting you, waiting for another time to strike. Don’t ever give him the chance to strike; his intentions are evil. Once you let the demon control you one time, he will do everything and anything to make you weak and steal everything from you again.

Please think again about taking that first “tiny hit” or “one small shot” because as soon as it touches your lips or enters your body in any way, the demon latches itself onto you. I can tell you from experience
that you don’t want to be stuck in the horrible, never-ending darkness
of addiction. 

The author's comments:

I want to inspire others to become sober. I know becoming sober is a very hard road to go down, and I want my writing to inspire addicts or even past addicts to become sober, or continue to becomne sober.

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