"You Bastards" | Teen Ink

"You Bastards"

May 29, 2018
By DMHair BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
DMHair BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    At the age of five, I was enamored with Marty Mcfly, the flux capacitor, and the time-traveling Delorean. When I wasn't trying to design my own time-traveling machine, I watched Back To The Future on repeat in my free time. I'd even try to replicate the scenes on the preschool playground. I zipped around on my tricycle as if it were a Delorean, yelling one of my favorite lines at the top of my lungs - "You bastards!"

    The teachers must not have understood me because I was never scolded and if I had been, I wouldn't have known what they were scolding me for. I mean, how was a five year-old supposed to know that this was a bad word? I certainly had no clue. 

    It was a daily ritual for me during recess. I completely tuned out the preschool playground that surrounded me. I was running away from the "bad guys" who had just shot Doc Brown, unknowingly on my way to 1955. 

    The fantasy ended one day when I told my mom exactly what I had played on the playground. The only repercussions were a stern look and a short lecture. I continued my time machine design and my obsession with the iconic movie and only one thing changed. Never again would I utter the words - "You bastards!"

The author's comments:

This is a memoir that I wrote for my high school creative writing class. It is a memory that always makes me laugh. 

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