Her problem my growth | Teen Ink

Her problem my growth

May 29, 2018
By Anonymous

So when are we are we going to go see here I asked my mom. I haven't seen here in a couple days. I missed here and I wanted to see here when that was happening I had never been away from my siblings in more than a day
So I was six years old when it started and my mom said my sister is sick and she is going to be in the hospital for a while. I didn't know what was happening all my parents kept saying was that she was sick. But I really didn’t know what was actually happening. I found out what it was a couple weeks later from my siblings.It turns out that she was suffering from anorexia.
As a six year old I was really shy and didn’t help my other siblings. I have a big family so we are all pretty close. Because they were always helping me I just took it for granted. And probably a little self centered. But I was always nice to everyone. I probably thought that I would only have to look after my younger siblings and not my older ones.
Well all went up to Melrose quite a bit I don’t remember to much about the place except for her room, and the park across the street where we all went when we visited her. One of the most vivid day I remember is going up there to bring her new stuff from home.
My mom went up there everyday to see her. I have only ever seen my dad cry twice In my life and he did once for this. So this was a huge impact in all our lives I had lean on my older siblings more. I realized that I need to care and help my siblings more. So I tried to help out as much as I could. As a six year old I tried to help others as much as I could Like when my brother got surgery I was always there to help him as much as I could.
So later that night we did go and see her. And I didn’t go to school the next day because I spent the entire day with I is still one of my most memorable moments I remember with her she probably doesn't that her struggle changed me for the better and we all helped her through it. And I thank her for changing me.

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