Another Bully Story | Teen Ink

Another Bully Story

May 22, 2018
By Anonymous

Name calling is the use of abusive words to belittle or humiliate another person in a political campaign, an argument, etc. as stated from Dictionary. During sophomore year of high school, I was called mean names and insulted by people who were “supposedly” my friends, people I had never talked to, and by individuals I had only ever been nice to.  I was bullied in some type of way or form, even when I did nothing to deserve it. I had never cried, been more upset, or wanted to give up on life more than I did during this time. I was tired of it, but I grew stronger than ever during that year too.

During this experience, I went through depression and I was having a difficult time with my appearance. I thought I was an average sized girl, but that wasn’t the case.   Every time I went out on the weekends, I was called fat. The word “fat” was all I could think about on most days and it destroyed me.  I didn’t want to eat anymore and I worked out almost everyday. The night I will always remember, is when I went to a social gather after a school event.  I was having such a fun time, until later that evening. Basically, my whole group of friends had left, but I decided to stay since it was a good friend’s home.  There were about ten kids in her basement still including my friend’s older sibling;s friends and about three people from my group. As I walked into her basement, they were all chanting mean things right in my face on repeat.  It felt like I watching a bully movie, but only it was actually happening to me. My best friend heard it and stuck up for me but anything she said or did meant nothing to me in that moment.  I was in shock, silent, and I could not ignore what I just had heard. I ran into the bathroom and I was a wreck. It felt like my eyes were raining, as tears rolled down my cheeks. That was the day I wanted to change my life because I never wanted to be called a name again.

Overall, this adventure has taught me so much about myself and about others. I’ve learned to not let others opinions consume my every day thoughts, and that it doesn’t matter what people have to say about me. Even though, at times I still struggle with my appearance and what others think about me, I learned to cope with it. I’ve learned to get help with the problems I was facing and that I’m not alone. High school is truly the most self-conscious time that any person could experience in life. I call this time in my life an adventure because, all in all, it was. This was a rollercoaster with many ups and downs and I grew into a mature and health conscious individual.  I started watching what I eat, working out, and finally, I found a place to go to relieve my stress.
In conclusion, I was bullied in high school for about a year and it has changed who I am today. Although, I’m glad this situation changed my life for the better, it was a very dark time for me. Name calling can really affect a person, and I feel that no one understands that, until it happens to them. I have grown into an independent and mature human being, and I’ve learned that people in high school should never make me feel that life should end.  Even though it feels like it will last forever, high school is a very small part of life. I am so grateful for all my friends and family who had my back throughout my whole story.

The author's comments:

I had gone through hell that year, but I am here, stronger than ever now. 

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