Metabolism | Teen Ink


May 21, 2018
By OverAverage BRONZE, Houston, Texas
OverAverage BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You have probably heard someone say that they have a metabolism that operated quicker or slower than normal. What they misunderstood about their metabolism is the speed at which they act and how the speed at which their metabolism acts it determined. The truth is that your metabolism is not completely based on your genes and that it can in fact be alternated. But before you can do that you have to know how metabolism even works.


The metabolic process involves a large amount of chemical reactions that takes place inside the cells which are inside of your body. It converts some of the resources such as protein and carbohydrates, from the food you eat to fuel such as glucose and glycogen, that your body needs to keep moving. The cells are what breaks the acids and carbohydrates down into simple sugars which are then used as energy.

So now that you know what metabolism technically is, perhaps you would like to know how to tell if your metabolism operaties quickly  or slowly. Well, your metabolism in based on your size, gender, and age. If you are a male then you already burn more calories than women naturally even if you are just tying your shoes. If you are overweight you most likely burn more calories than you would if you were average or underweight. Even if you are just sitting down and watching tv or reading a books you still burn more calories at that time than normal. This is why sometimes it can be hard to lose weight once you already have it. But there are still other things the determine your metabolism. These things include the rate at which the food you eat processes and your physical activity. Food processing is the digesting, absorbing, transporting, and the storing of the food you consume. All of the foods you eat require calories. During the process of digestion you use about 10 percent of the calories from the protein and carbohydrates you eat. Long story short, it takes energy to make energy.
Physical Activity are things like playing sports, riding a bike,or just walking to the kitchen. Physical activities also determine the rate at which you burn calories. Physical Activity also include small things like tapping your fingers on a table and even writing. The scientific name for this is Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (N.E.A.T.).


by itself can burn up to a total of 800 calories a day. 
Now that you know how calories and metabolism works, it’s cruecal the you learn about the cells of fat. The types of fat cells we contain in our body varies. An example of a type of fat is white fat. White fat stores energy, but if you more than you are supposed to than you can possibly become overweight and are also vulnerable to diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, and other life threatening diseases. Brown fat on the other hand does the complete opposite. It heats up and helps you regulate your body temperature and keep you warm.
So although you may have a low metabolism, losing weight is still a possible opportunity, even an abundant amount in a short amount of time. Even if you have a low metabolism. You just have to stay dedicated and not get distracted. Although I will say it will definitely be tough.

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