The Love I Will Miss | Teen Ink

The Love I Will Miss

May 18, 2018
By LindyKnowsBest BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
LindyKnowsBest BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember our first date, odd yet enjoyable. We were young and still are.
The smell of popcorn, nachos, and your favorite sugar drink, Dr. Pepper.
I don’t recall the movie it was but I knew it was great. The small talk we made after the show and dinner we got after. The smell of Strawberry melted in my mouth when I paid for the frozen yogurt. I knew this was the first step in a long relationship.

Year and a half passed and I’m in love over and over again. Bumps in the road lead to rolling stops in the relationship, but twice as fast afterward. I hoped for more to come, but leading to more news I just had a feeling inside that stops me from having happy thoughts. Threats of leaving and abandonment took over me without any words. I knew my time was coming, but when.

It hurts to know and love someone who’s better off with another. I will miss your love for sure. Understand all the pain we’ve been through and all the enjoyment that will never fall into darkness. I knew from the day I met you that the world would be complete. Day after day I smell the perfume that smells like strawberries and the popcorn covered with so much salt and light butter. The picture of us on the kitchen fridge underneath the umbrella outside of your house. Tick tick I thought. Believe me, I know we will miss each other, but why not make the best of now and continue on until the day one of us dies. Understand everyone is dying slowly, I’m just dying a little bit quicker. After that day comes, your love is the one I will miss.

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