Eleven Silly Kids | Teen Ink

Eleven Silly Kids

May 9, 2018
By Writer6170 PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
Writer6170 PLATINUM, Sussex, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who love me the most. I am the only one who makes them laugh. Eleven Silly Kids with big hearts and faith like mine. Eleven who live a far but still have the same home. Eleven warm, cozy hugs. From my phone, I can see them, but the distance is too far.

Their jokes are secret. They send messages of inside jokes. They go away  and come back and grab the earth between their big smiles and loving presence. This is how they know.

If one forgets, they’d all fall apart and crinkle their eyes, each clinging on to the ones they lost. Know, know, know they repeat. They pray.

When I am too silly and too crazy to keep knowing, when I am a lonely kid, against this big scary world. When there is nothing left to laugh at. Eleven who know what’s right, will be alright. Eleven who love and do not forget to love. Eleven whose only reason is to be a family.

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