Depression / Suicide | Teen Ink

Depression / Suicide

March 8, 2018
By Anonymous

       You see people tend to think that just because they see people smiling and being as happy as a clown that they’re automatically super happy with life. That’s not the case with most people. A lot of people have a lot of pain like getting a shot with a big needle hiding behind that smile. They like to joke around and crack jokes with everybody because that’s what they know best to do to avoid feeling that pain at all times.

       Depression is something very serious and it’s something a lot of people go through but a lot of those people also go through it alone. It’s always good to ask your loved ones if they are okay or just simply asking how their day is going or how it was because to them it’ll show you care. I would know because i’ve been through depression and all that. I remember what it was like to feel all that pain like the whole world was against you. 

    On September 24 2013 I remember being home alone I was sitting on my couch as I heard my phone ring I looked over it said “dad”. I thought it was just going to be a regular call like any other time he’s called. Nope that wasn’t the case this time I noticed right away as I picked up the phone the tone in my father’s voice that something was off. Everything wasn’t okay. He then passed it over to my uncle. My uncle said “Hi mija there’s something I need to tell you that your dad couldn’t tell you himself” as soon as I heard the words “your uncle took his life earlier today” I dropped my phone and immediately broke down. Later on when I found out that he was hurting all alone he was going through so much and nobody noticed once and that’s what brought him to kill himself.

      Everyone thinks that just because a person is smiling all the time it’s all unicorns and rainbows and that everything is peachy. No I learned that even more after my uncle’s death that’s why I always talk to my loved ones now and ask if everything’s okay. People just need a little bit of love and to see that people care and that their going to be there for them when needed. There’s other ways of coping with depression it’s good to talk to someone you trust there is so much you can do to avoid suicide. I remember wanting to leave this cruel world but i realized i would be hurting a lot of people and leaving them behind and i knew it wasn’t my time to go yet as well. So most importantly always talk to your loved ones show them you care. 

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