The Best Gift | Teen Ink

The Best Gift

March 7, 2018
By Anonymous

It was the first day of school. ‘I’m finally in 6th grade,’ I thought with confused emotions of excitement of feeling older but also the worry of all the mistakes that I could make. ‘Besides the first day is full of first impressions. I’m sort of a loaner, so I’ll be stoked if I could make at least one friend today.’ I thought. Walking in to class my day went pretty well, I manage to make it all the way through the day very smoothly until English.

English was not my best subject especially on the spelling half of the class. Spelling happened to be my worst subject. Of course, my teacher decided to start this dreaded class with a group project. “Well great,” I managed to say with a mouth full of sarcasm. Anyway, I glance over the room for a partner. I see Madison, who by the way for some reason I have never talked to before this, but I figured I might as well go make an acquaintance. As I made my way over I could tell she also was having the same problem finding a partner. I greeted her with a smile. ”Wanna be partners,” I asked in hope.

“Sure,” she said. With the look of relief to find a partner.
‘I’m honestly so glad, I didn’t want to continue looking for a partner.’ I thought. I asked with a bit of laughter, “Did you listen to the directions?”

She said also laughing by now, ”Of course not, but it’s the beginning of the year!” Any way we actually started to become friends by the middle of class. We stopped doing English work and were chatting so loudly with the rest of the class.  I don’t know how happy my teacher was about that, but I was sure stoked to have made a friend!
At the end of the day, the whole class lined up against the wall of the hallway, in my bland, old school. The whole class had to wait in the hall to be dismissed to the buses. Madison and I had been joking around since English class. Another one of my classmates joined in Her name was Lydia.

‘We used to be friends but she was kinda a bully last year,’ I remembered in grief, but she seemed friendly now, greeting us with a smile and laughing with us. I decided to  forget about last year. I mean, it’s not healthy and frankly I’m usually not the kind of kid to hold a grudge.

The next day at school, we hung out all day long and found ourselves at a table in the cafeteria to sit at all year. ‘I’m so glad and thankful to have friends,’ I thought with great relief. “This year is gonna be great.”

The author's comments:

It was a English class assiment to right about the best gift you have ever received, I chose my friends.

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