Before I Knew | Teen Ink

Before I Knew

March 5, 2018
By Anonymous

My entire body was filled with excitement. The type of excitement that has your body shaking to its core, as if there are butterflies fluttering about in your stomach. I couldn’t grasp onto the idea of him wanting to spend time with me, to go on a date. It was almost a “you’ve been punked” moment and I was waiting for someone to jump out with a camera. But little did I know, he felt the same.


After leaving the school building I had headed towards his truck, I felt like I was about to walk onto a stage in front of hundreds of people, but in reality I was going on a date with a boy whom I have had a crush on for forever now, at least that’s what three years feels like. But as soon as I sat down in that passenger seat and looked at him, all of those nerves had disappeared. I felt comfortable, I felt as though this wasn’t just chance for him and I. It felt like I have been around him for a time longer than just the 5 minutes I have been sitting with him. After looking at him for a moment I knew I was already in deep.

We arrived at Fiesta Cantina and quickly got out of the car due to the fact that we were both starving. Sitting across from him I couldn’t help but blush, he was jaw dropping. Talking to him was too easy, as though I was reminiscing memories with an old friend. All he could do was tease me for the way I repeated the word “literally” before everything, to this day I will always remember his laugh when he would tease me for it. His laugh was the goofiest sound you have ever heard but you couldn’t help but love how genuine it sounded. It made my heart happy seeing him smile and laugh, knowing I was the reason. The whole date I couldn’t help but admire each and every aspect of him. He and I had the same goofy personality and same views, it was refreshing; like a breath of fresh air. Going home after that date, I went to bed with the knowledge that I had already fallen for that smile, those deep blue eyes and I went to sleep hoping he’d catch me.

The author's comments:

I met my best friend without knowing it yet

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