Spiders | Teen Ink


March 4, 2018
By 1funguy BRONZE, Hartland, Michigan
1funguy BRONZE, Hartland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Spiders. They’re pretty neat aren’t they? All they do is build amazing webs, wait for a mindless insect to come crawling and get stuck on their web, and then wrap ’em up and eat ’em.

There are so many people in the world who, in my opinion, have an irrational fear of these itty bitty creatures. How can a person, who is a giant campared to these arachnids, be so incredibly afraid of something ever so teeny weeny?

I would understand being cautious of a Black Widow (no not the super hero, jeez. The nerve of some people) or a tarantula because they can actually harm you. However, unless you are a spider collector or out in some wild jungle, then I think you’ll be safe from those.

Also, I can’t help but laugh at the people who, when they see a spider halfway across the room, go into a frenzy and run away as fast as possible. Trust me, a spider is more afraid of you than you are of … well maybe not, judging on how people act around them.

Anyways, my point to all this is: grow ya big cowards! They’re just 8-legged insects. It’s no big deal.

The author's comments:

I just wanted to write about something silly.

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