I Didn’t Ask for You | Teen Ink

I Didn’t Ask for You

March 4, 2018
By Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

It was a rather dull morning. Which is quite peculiar for a usually bright August day. I did the same thing I always did. I came I was and I left. However this particular day there was an obstacle. You were that obstruction. A fiery tornado coming to destroy my perfections. From the very beginning you knew what you wanted. Of course I wouldn’t allow you to enter my life the way you were. So you used your manipulation to form into the person I wanted you to be, the person I needed you to be.

“I want to be with you… long term.” So you did what you had to do. Then slowly like a parasite you attacked my brain. You degraded everything I worked to build. First my relationships with friends, then my relationship with myself. You broke me into the pieces you needed to fill your own void. However you soon realized you broke me too small. You broke me too much. Suddenly I wasn’t what you needed anymore. I could no longer accompany your problems.

“I just don’t feel anything for you anymore.” I thought I could fix you, and I lost myself in the process. I became what you needed me to be. Then you didn’t need me anymore. I never asked for you. I never asked for you to come and destroy the foundation I spent so long constructing. Yet in a flash you were gone. Like a shooting star that’s beautiful for a split second and before you can even blink it’s gone retracting back into the darkness. What I didn’t know was that those shooting stars are exploding. They’ve lived their lives and as they fall away from this world they suck every beautiful day into their black hole to become the darkness with them. For you, I was that day. And when you realized I continued to rise and dawn without you, you tried to cloud my life. But the sun shines brighter than any dust ever could. So as others come to appreciate the light that is my life you will no longer come to destroy it. Goodbye.

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