Nasty Evil: Body Shaming | Teen Ink

Nasty Evil: Body Shaming

January 27, 2018
By smilehellaloud BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
smilehellaloud BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never judge a book by its cover."

Dear Body,


From my own childhood I have been listening so many comments about you. More than me people are concerned about my body image. A fat would be called 'fat' only and a thin would be given hundreds of names. The person who doesn't have a strong will might get harassed by the trolls which are being made on him. The skin colour also matters! Are we humans or what? Just to prove them that they are wrong and to attract their attention towards us we need to put '100' layers of makeup. Is this right? Do you think just to avoid the comments should one cut their extra obese skin which is hanging out? This is completely inhumane.

For me it's not. Nature has sent us with many capabilities and hidden talents. What is the need to show your trim waist or to show off your fair skin? I have never seen someone showing off their 'plain' ears. 'Plain' here means without earrings and stuff. They don't do this as this is not current trend or style and this is also not seen because one can't figure out the body size and shape from the size of an ear. Some extremely intelligent people clearly term or define you as boring if you are dressed simple and are in your comfortable zone. Many kids, teens and citizens of this country and world are a victim of body shaming. God is the creator and the destroyer. Remember this! Skin or shape doesn't matter, what matters is good deeds.

Spread love and destroy hatred. Have a good time ahead!



Your loveliest owner

The author's comments:

This is a letter to body and the letter highlights about the evil body shaming.

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Sukanya said...
on Feb. 5 2018 at 11:15 pm
Nice one. keep up the good work