Only 13 | Teen Ink

Only 13

September 20, 2017

"I'm 13."

That's one of the most common phrases I say to people.

"Oh no I'm not in highschool, I'm only 13" another phrase. People seem to think that as a 5'6 8th grader I'm some how a highschooler.

"Really only 13" They all respond. Not my fault I got the tall genes.

"No 13"

"If you do well on this test, I will suggest to your parents and teacher about gifted classes" another thing that wasn't my fault. Not getting the right score might have been my fault though.

"You got a 72 when you needed an 80" those words had hit me like a brick. I pretended like it was fine but ended up yelling at a kid during my next class.

As a 13 year old all that was a lot of pressure, along with being tall, and a bit of a nerd.

"But yea, I'm 13"

A week later I was confused, it had been a long day in school and I was in social studies. The class where we had to go outside in the rain to collect wood for forts, and I didn't have a coat, we sat inside for a few minutes.

The class was watching CNN 10, when it hit me.

A piece of paper.

No big deal right? I ignored it, and just thought nothing of it, like always. Then another thing.

A pencil.

Then a ruler.

Then a phone.

And finally a book. I just ignored the pain in my back, because that's middle school for you right.

"Nope I'm only 13" I tell people.

A week later I'm be judged for being a girl. It was Wii day, and it was Mario kart, I was in the lead.

"Oh who is in first" they asked.

"Me" I answered. They started saying things along the lines of how girls shouldn't play, and that Bowzer, the character I was playing was a guys character.

I later told my teacher how I handled it. They asked why I'm so mature, if I was older then everyone else.

"No, I'm 13, just 13" I said.

I am soon helping my baby sister who is sick. She was only 2.

I wiped her snotty nose, washed her face and got her a snack.

I sent a picture of her to my friends. They said I looked like a second mom to her, and in same cases I am.

They asked me how old she was, I said 2. They asked what age I was when she came into my life.

"13" I say.

"Wait I thought you were 14 or 15" they say.

"No, I'm only 13, not a day older not a day younger. 13" I say.

The author's comments:

I just wanted to say, that just because I seem older, I'm not. 13 is an age where everything is crazy, but enjoy it while it lasts

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