Break Through | Teen Ink

Break Through

April 20, 2017
By Anonymous

Coming home from a tiring cheerleading practice, I decided to take the interstate, as it would be the quickest way to travel.  The day was just like any other Tuesday.  I slowly merged on to the interstate; I picked up speed as I changed lanes.

 Kameron and I laughed at each other’s jokes as I switched from the second lane to the third lane.  Rush hour traffic moved slowly, but I hoped because cars began speeding past.  The car in front of me took off, and I slammed my foot down on the gas pedal.  Just as quickly as the cars started moving, they came to a complete stop.

Bam! My car jerked forwards, and there was the sound of shattering glass.  I hurriedly checked behind me to see the damage.  Shoved in my back windshield was a man in a neon yellow vest.  I frantically began searching for my hazard lights as my head began to race.  I jerked my body side to side as I glanced between my passenger and the unwanted passenger, who seconds ago flew through my window.  I wailed while I screamed, “are you okay?”

 The man was dead silent as he laid still while still stuck in the window.  Ideas flew through my head.  I thought this man was dead, and I would have to remove him from the back window. 

 While I searched for the solution to my problem, it finally hit me.  I was sitting still in the middle of the interstate as cars zipped past me.  My heart raced, and my head spun.  A kind civilian slammed on her breaks beside me and exited her car to direct traffic.  Another civilian pulled the man in the neon yellow vest out of the car and helped drag the man’s motorcycle to the side lane.  I quickly drove to the side lane while my whole body violently shook. 

 The thought to call my parents did not cross my mind until my passenger broke down as she explained to her mom what had happened.  With my shaking hands, I dialed my dad’s number.  All I could do was scream, “Dad I was in an accident!” 

I slumped down in the front seat and stared into space as I tried to wrap my head around the situation.  I was pulled out of my thoughts by a woman who knocked on my window.  She called the police, and she forced me to breathe in and out because I needed to calm down.  The lady stayed by my side until the paramedics came and took her place as my caretaker. 

Once the state troopers pulled up, they began asking questions.  The more the troopers asked questions the more I yearned for the comfort of my parents, who had yet to arrive. 

When my parents did eventually arrive on the scene, the first thing I did was jump up and squeezed them both in a hug.  I knew the incident was over, and I could go home and try to forget it ever happened.

 I completely forgot about the man in the neon yellow vest.  The fault was completely his, but I only worried about my well-being.  The man came out perfectly fine with only a cut on his right leg.  However, as I think about situation today, I feel as if I overreacted.  My only problem was fixing the back windshield, but this man’s mode of transportation was smashed.  He is the one who cannot afford to pay for his totaled bike and the tickets he received.  To this day I wish I would have spoken to the man in the neon yellow vest who broke through my window.

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