My First Tailgate as a Fan | Teen Ink

My First Tailgate as a Fan

January 20, 2017
By JackHagan BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
JackHagan BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t really remember much about what was going on in my life back in 2007. Life was pretty good. No homework, no tryouts, no waking up at a set time (6:30), but most of all no stress. My dad wasn’t ever a big sports fan but he made sure to get me into it. And thank god for that man. Without him I don’t know what I would have done. One thing I do remember about ‘07 was my first Giants game. You know, New York Giants, Big Blue, NYG the football team. Anyway, my dad got tickets and I was beyond thrilled. Every Sunday I had baseball at 12:30 AM so we would tape the games which started at 1:00 PM and watch. I would get home really really fast and put on my #27 blue Brandon Jacobs jersey and watch the game with my dad. I love that jersey, I still have it it’s just too small now. My dad never wanted to take me to a game too early because he said the “drunks and thugs” were too much for a 5 or 6 year old. But I was 7 then and ready to go. Before we left for the game I grabbed my Jacobs jersey and ran up to the car like a chicken with it’s head cut off.


“What are we going to do when we get there?”

“We’re going to tailgate of course it’s the best part of the game.”

I didn’t know what tailgating was at the time but now whenever I go to a game I tailgate from 9:00 AM up until game time. The game itself was at 4:25 against the Vikings and so to tailgate we stopped at subway, I don’t remember what I ordered I mean c’mon I was 7 but, I do remember running back to the car like Brandon Jacobs would run over defenders. After the quick pit stop we fled to the stadium. I loved the way my dad and I always lived in the moment because now looking back it makes the memories so much more vivid. I don’t know what happened on the ride there only because I was told by my dad that I was asleep. It was weird as a 7 year old starting in one place (Subway) and basically being transported through sleep to the stadium. Anyway, I got up and my dad was already getting out the beach chairs to set up the tailgate. I could have sworn there were a billion people there every parking spot packed in and full of Giants fans with some purple vikings jerseys sprinkled in. There were a ton of Jacobs jerseys but none like mine. Mine was the best only because it fit me perfect and had the logos and everything. Unfortunately, now the jersey is worn down because of the numerous times I have worn it to games but the smell of smoke and bacon grease from the tailgates are still there and I love it. My father was full of emotion.

“Let’s get this party started! Are you excited?”

“I’ve never been more ready for something in my whole entire life!”

We opened up the sandwiches and the drinks and turned on the Giants radio from the car. Of course I don’t know all the details because like I said 7 but I do remember all the people that would come up and say little the things.
“Big game today.”

“We need a big one from Jacobs, Am I right?”

“The G-Men need to have a spark today!”

Throughout the whole time I had a smile on my face. For the first time I felt like I have grown up enough in my dad’s eyes to take me to a football game and I felt like a “big boy” In 7 year old terms. I am getting off topic anyway, We finished up the food and threw the ball around a little. A typical father son activity. I couldn’t tell you what happened after that and to be honest I don’t need to. Sure the game is fun and the main experience but when you think about it the tailgate is the part of the game that brings everyone together.
Even today, I still think about that game in my Jacobs jersey to see how far I have come and how much I have changed over the past 9 years. Not only did the game create a great memory it solidified my fandom with the Giants. Every time I go to a Giants game I may not be putting on that jersey but I make sure to model every experience after that one with my dad and that is what makes the numerous tailgates so special.

The author's comments:

My first tailgate was filled with many memories that have stayed with me ever since the game.

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