Lonely and Alone | Teen Ink

Lonely and Alone

December 12, 2016
By aanikan2 SILVER, New City, New York
aanikan2 SILVER, New City, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What a Time, to be Alive

I arrived at school, headphones in. Freedom in my mind filled with magical melodies. Head straight forward, avoiding eye contact with familiar faces, but forced friendly smiles. Huge halls filled with noisy chatter around me closing in when the only sound needed was the music in my ears.  Wanting to cross my arms and keep my head low, but having to walk with my arms behind me, chest outward and my head held higher than usual. Wanting to remain quiet, but finding myself forced to speak to all. Smiles and small talk seemed necessary to successfully get through school

Feeling all eyes pressed upon me, “I wish I could look away” I thought as I returned inviting glances. Finally, it was almost the loneliest time of the day; the happiest time of the day.

Running away with waves and farewells, just to walk home alone. Finally, no eyes, no expectations, no pressure, walking all alone  with my arms behind me, chest outward and my head held higher than usual.

The author's comments:

A typical day in the life of an average highschoole.

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