Brotherly Love | Teen Ink

Brotherly Love

December 8, 2016
By Derkk BRONZE, Georgetown, Ohio
Derkk BRONZE, Georgetown, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Recently, I have realized that I am not as good of a brother as I should be so, I want to take the time to give my brother the recognition he deserves. For a while now I have been very obnoxious toward my brother and I know that he hates it. I see my obnoxiousness as an act of love rather than a way to hurt my little brother, but the truth is, I am really disrespectful to my only true best friend. I love that little man more than he will ever know.

So, when I was just a small child at the age of four, my parents introduced me to a whole different life. I was now the brother of the cutest little baby boy I'd ever seen. To this day I can remember holding him in a large turquoise chair for the very first time. Today, I realize that that day was one of the best days of my life, for I didn't realize there would be so many more years to come of fighting, laughing, flirting with girls, and growing up in general, which are actually all parts of love.

Skipping forward a few years, I can remember the summer after my brother turned ten years old. I remember that one gruesome day where my brother accidentally caught the backswing from a grown man swinging at a baseball, right upside the head. Wow! What a terrible moment that was. My brother was gushing blood so badly that it appeared Old Faithful had erupted out of the top of his head. As soon as it happened I instantly burst into tears all the while he was just saying “Is my bubby’s baseball bat okay?” He is such a strong boy, I just can't imagine life without him.

Now, springing to the present, I am reminiscing all of the good times that we’ve had recently. For my sixteenth birthday, my dad threw a party for me but only a few people showed up. My brother stuck by my side all that night and helped me keep the bonfire going and helping me sweet talk girls. He is such a sweetheart when it comes to women. He would literally do anything to put a smile on a girls face, like the time he split firewood all day just so my father’s pregnant girlfriend didn't have to do it.

I just want him to know that he really does have extraordinary meaning to me. He is the best teammate, helper, and most importantly, brother that I could ever ask for. He provides so much emotional support and care for my well-being. I just want to thank him for everything he does for me. Thanks little buddy, Bubby loves you with all of his heart.

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