Stuck on a Bus | Teen Ink

Stuck on a Bus

November 9, 2016
By Anonymous

I was a short, quiet Indian kid with black hair and brown eyes. It all started with being the politest seven-year-old that one could possibly be. For being unintentionally polite I would never say anything mean or anything rudely although people like my sister and bullies loved to pick on me because I never did anything back to them even if I was provoked or hurt. As the calm, monotone child I would never cry, complain, or even get excited.

“Do we have to go?” my sister said. “Why wouldn’t we?” my mom replied, “we already paid for the tickets.” While my mom was helping my sister pack her bag, my dad packed mine. “Should I take some games?” I asked my dad “Sure,” he replied. The drive to the airport was long and boring. We had to leave extra early because if my dad drove too fast, I would feel motion sick and throw up.

Finally, we got to the airport. We put our bags in an area which said UNITED in dark blue. Suddenly a scary thought crossed my mind. What if one of my family members get lost at the airport? What if I get lost at the airport? What if someone gets lost in Mexico? What if I get lost in Mexico? At that point, I tried as hard as possible to keep all of my family members in my sight so I or anyone else wouldn’t get lost.

On the airplane, my sister went from totally depressed because we were going to Mexico to extremely excited. After another long ride to Mexico, but this time on a plane, and I staggered out feeling pretty motion sick.

After going to our hotel to put our bags there, we took a bus to get to a sightseeing place. When we got on the bus, we asked the bus driver where that tourist spot was and he said: “It will be one of my stops soon.” So we got on the bus and drove to the attraction, but the driver missed the stop and he had to stop on the side a little after. Being polite I let my family step out of the bus. But, since I am short The bus driver didn’t see me and took off with me still on it. I heard my parents yell “STOP” at the top of their lungs and run after the bus. Eventually, the bus driver heard me crying in the back and my parents yelling. Finally, they got me off and we went to the tourist spot.

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This article has 1 comment.

SriyaV BRONZE said...
on Nov. 13 2016 at 1:52 pm
SriyaV BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I think it matters whether someone has a good heart." -Elon Musk

great story but it feels like an abrupt ending