Aspirations and Expectations | Teen Ink

Aspirations and Expectations

November 1, 2016
By g.trivisani20 BRONZE, Oakland, New Jersey
g.trivisani20 BRONZE, Oakland, New Jersey
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It all began when I was a little girl, just old enough to speak and move my tiny little toes around in ballet shoes. My first remembrance of music was when I was just learning how to speak real English, and not the “Gianna language” I used when I was younger. I was in my dad’s old black toyota one day with my parents and my big brother, Dean, on our way home from dinner at Sushi X, my brother’s favorite restaurant. Suddenly a song with a title I could not pronounce came on. I thought it was spelled “Boman Rapcity” and that it was some type of rap song that “cool” people would listen to. But when the introduction began playing and I saw the faces of my parents and my brother light up, I knew that this was a special song. As the chorus of what I now know as “Bohemian Rhapsody” came around and the head banging began, I realized that this would be my family’s song. A family song is basically a special piece of music that an entire family gets ecstatic to listen to whenever it starts playing. Everyone knows every single lyric and everyone knows how special it is to each person. The first time I heard that song I realized how unique music was and I instantly became intrigued with the idea of songs and music.This sparked a decades worth of love for singing and the realization of what true talent is through this incredible art. Later on is when I really got into dancing and acting. With dance, you can express yourself in a way that you physically would not be able to otherwise. Then with acting I realized that you can become a completely different character and engage yourself in a completely different world to escape this hectic thing we call life. Therefore, from many memories made and milestones passed, performing has become my stress relief and my true passion.

My family members are my main inspirations and I know that they will always be by my side to support me and love me no matter what.

My mom is a great example of what type of women I want to be when I get older. She is my best friend and always will be my best friend, through thick and thin.

My dad teaches me right from wrong most of the time and will bring me up the way that I should. I love him for all he does for me and I know he will always stand by my side.

My brother, although we don’t get along sometimes like most siblings do, he makes me laugh when I think things will never get better. He is incredibly smart and shows me that if you try your hardest in life, you can get anywhere and do anything.

My dreams for the future are all based upon the single idea and hope of having theatre in my life for as long as it would happily stay. Broadway is a far stretch for some, but I know with practice and preparation, it can become a simple task to make this dream come true. Also, New York may seem like a smelly, hectic, rotten place to be for many people, but in my eyes, it really is just a Big Apple filled with dreams and hope. I want my future to take place in this great big city and make my dream of being on Broadway and performing really come true. It’s not just a childish dream that you make up to tell people when they ask you who you want to be when you grow older. I really want to make this my life and hopefully the lifestyle will choose me to be its companion.

Everyone wants to be successful in life, no matter what their variation of “success” means. It ranges from being wealthy, to having a big family, to doing what you love most in life, to even just having a single person you love in the world. But no matter what, you cannot go through life alone. My expectation for the future is not only to be on Broadway and live a life of theatre in New York City, but to also have a family that surrounds me with love and that I look forward to seeing every single day. Being alone in life will never make a person truly happy, even if they say they are. There is always a hole missing if one cannot share their love with another. I want to be successful, and to me that means doing what I love in theatre and creating a life from it, and coming home everyday to a husband and children that I love unconditionally.

Life is but a dream. You are only who you make yourself to be.
My dream will make me who I want to be.

Expectations can change, but I know dreams will live on in our hearts forever.

The author's comments:

This is a story of my experience and my hopes and dreams for the future. This comes from my heart and everything here explains me as a person. Performing is a key part of my life and makes me who I am. That is what this piece is about, enjoy.

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