The Sounds of Home | Teen Ink

The Sounds of Home

October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

I cannot picture a day that there will be silence in the walls of my little green house. As I lay here trying to rest I wonder when there will be a moment where I can dose off peacefully. I am reminded that there will never be silence with 2 60 pound dogs running around. Aside from the animals the constant chatter of my parents and sister is enough to sound like 6 dogs running around. With 3 other people always caught up with the madness of life, school, and work, someone is always going to have something to say. When there is peace within my walls the laughter, cries, and screams of the children running up and down my street echoes through my house. Then you hear their parents come outside and yell “dinner is ready”! Some days those loud, radiant, obnoxious noises drive me through the roof. Other days those sounds are the reassuring, loving, happy noises that remind me that I am home.

Every morning I am awoken to the sound of my dogs claws desperately trying to get a grip on the floor as they excitedly dash to see who ever wakes up first. It is as though they have tap shoes on prancing across the hard wood kitchen floor. Yes, you can hear this wear and tear just by taking a look at the many scratches covering every inch of hard wood floor. My dogs’ excitement fills the house with her small whimpers of joy. After about 3 minutes later is when the clashing of plates and things falling on the floor gets me out of bed where I come to find the dogs surrounded by messes.

Throughout the day the bickering of my mom and sister, the torturous sound of my mom on business calls, and the children running around my neighborhood reassure me that I am home. It is not a typical day in my home without a little bickering here and there, it is just our nature as such strong minded individuals; as I like to put it. The sound that gets me the most is my mom on her business calls. All day in my head I replay over and over again the haunting iPhone ringtone and my mom’s suddenly cheery and high pitched voice answer the phone, “Christine.”

The peak of the noise level in my house is at 4pm when my dad comes home from work. You can hear the sound of his old worn out car pull into the driveway with the radio blasting. Right then the dogs leap up and slide across the floor and jump down the stairs to come to a crashing stop by the stop where they anxiously wait for my dad to come in. Next the roaring sound of the garage door opening fills the house. Then the door to the house opens and this is where my dad’s famous line is, “Hi, I’m home!”; I do not think there has been a day when he has said anything else. Funny how something so simple is part of our everyday. I look forward to when he comes home because it is so predictable it makes me smile. Something so little reminds me of why I love my home so much and the crazy sounds that occur within it.

The author's comments:

I chose to write this piece as an imitation of Senecas piece of writing to practice voice

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