I'm the Queen of... | Teen Ink

I'm the Queen of...

October 10, 2016
By Anonymous

I am the Queen of basically nothing, nothing, nothing, nada. The things I “own,” my parents bought. The life I live it’s not mine, it’s the Lord’s. The actions I do are not “MY” actions, but they are God’s will through me. The future I might, just might have, God will give it a purpose, so it’s not really mine either, I’m the “Queen” of nothing, but that’s fine because there aren’t Queens in this world. A “Queen” is a very strong word because there’s not really a definition of “Queen” in  my head. In my head there are just people, humans, sinners. Therefore a “Queen” doesn’t really mean anything because there is not really one, it’s like the word perfect, nobody is really perfect except God.

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