Abused and Harmed | Teen Ink

Abused and Harmed

June 6, 2016
By Nola541 SILVER, Tirana, Other
Nola541 SILVER, Tirana, Other
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Humans tend to attack or harm animals, when genuinely all they are, is vulnerable and frightened. They take out their rage and anger on harmless, innocent animals, that have done nothing wrong. Humans have a need to rule over every other creature on Earth, hurting them in every possible just to keep them under control. We hurt them in some way just to prove we are superior to other organisms. This may not be applicable for every single human being, but for the most part.

Friday’s are our cinema days. So after watching a movie, my sister and I were waiting outside TEG by the bus stop. Awaiting the small red Golf Volkswagen, we noticed a small street dog, who resided around TEG. She was a beautiful brown, golden dog with sad, dull eyes. For weeks we had been trying to rescue the suffering dog.

Across the street, an umbrella was set up, and a bunch of taxi drivers were sat around a small table playing cards and smoking. The small canine was approaching them, when suddenly they stopped their card game, dropped their cigarettes into the ashtray and slowly got up. Usually they would be disregarded her. Only this time it appeared to be the contrary.

The taxi drivers were eyeing the mutt with suspicion, so as she approached, they picked a few rocks and began aiming at her. She yelped as the rocks hit her pelt. She turned around in a flash and dashed across the street. I held my breath as she raced over the hard, rough surface. She reached the middle of the road, racing towards us, when suddenly a huge bus came racing down the street towards the canine. My heart was racing, expecting to see the lifeless body of a dog, when the bus would pass.

Time seemed to stop, until the huge vehicle finally turned the corner. When I saw her, standing there, frozen with shock, I realized I was still holding my breath. She seemed paralyzed for a while, but after a few more seconds, she ran to the other side of the street. Disappearing around a corner.

I realised my sister had been standing in shock beside me, as we had both watched the horrid scene. I turned my attention towards the curve of the road, leading to our compound. As I did, I noticed the small red Volkswagen turning the corner and heading towards us. We both got in, and sat there in silence until my mother began a conversation about the movie. We briefly explained the plot, but we then began telling her every detail of the small canine and her near death experience.

The ways in which animals are abused may vary, but it is abuse all the same. The taxi drivers chose to throw stones at the dog, which caused her to nearly be run over by a bus. For some reason they needed to prove something, so they attacked her. Whether they were scared or just ignorant, remains unknown, but they did it anyway. It doesn’t matter why they did what they did, because they have absolutely no reason to harm a dog in that way.

Just because humans have a tendency to need to rule over every other living creature, doesn’t give us the right to abuse them.

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