School Stress | Teen Ink

School Stress

June 6, 2016
By bloo.rr BRONZE, San Diego , California
bloo.rr BRONZE, San Diego , California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine this you realize you have a test in the next class and you forgot to study. You also realize you forgot to do your homework and if you don’t turn it in you will not pass the class. What would you do if it was you? My solution is to take a deep breath and ask for help. Every time i’m stressed  out about school I always ask for help and take a deep breath.

I think asking for help is the best thing to do. When you ask for help ask someone you trust. I say this because you’ll feel more comfortable, or you could get a tutor. A lot of people that l know always asking for help. I ask my friend how they felt after talking to someone and they all said they felt better. See if you ask for someone for help then you could feel a lot better. another thing you can do is take a deep breath.

Taking a deep breath is also a good idea because if you don’t have time to ask someone you could just  stop what you are doing and take a deep breath. This  helps you calm down your stress. I do this one allot because am in a rush allot. I ask all the classmates in my fourth period. They all said that they always take a deep breath. Another thing that i think is useful is eating or chewing gum.

Eating or chewing gum can lessen stress and keep people calm. One reason this helps is because you are distracting your mind when you are  eating or chewing gum. This one you might not be able to do at school but if you at home and doing homework or something that has to do with school than this idea works well. When i get home and I’m always doing my homework but if I’m stressing about it i would take a break  from it and just eat something. You can  also chew gum that is a good thing to do while you are doing homework if you don’t feel like eating.

My conclusion is if you do all of this they would help you out with school stress. Asking for help is really good to do if you wanted to calm yourself down with stress. Taking a deep breath is a good way to calm your stress if you don’t want to talk to anyone. Eating or chewing gum is good to do because it takes your mind off of what you are  stressing about. I think if you do all of these they would help you most of the time with your stress.

The author's comments:

This is a argument essay on how to deal school stress

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