Brother | Teen Ink


May 25, 2016
By Marley.Rice BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Marley.Rice BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When he walked away from the car a tear rolled down my face. The summer of 2014 was very hard for me. My brother and I are seven years apart so we were never really that close, until he left. I knew this moment was going to happen but I didn’t think it was going to happen this fast.


My brother, Michael, went to college in August 2014. Right before he left we went to hawaii for two weeks. That trip brought us extraordinarily close. We finally connected and I was super happy that he was my brother. That summer I had the best friend I could ever ask for.

When we got home from hawaii, he started to pack up his bags. I sat on his bed while he was packing and thought about all of the memories we had in that room. Like when I used to get scared at night so I would go in his room and sleep with him. When I would be ready to go somewhere with him and watch him get ready. I thought about how much my life is going to change without him by my side

We got in the car and started to drive, watching the house as we left I realized when we get back he won't be, he will never live with me anymore. The whole car ride I tried to hold back the tears. Once we got to his new apartment and unloaded everything, it was time to leave. He was standing outside of his building and we drove off. At that moment a tear rolled down my face, then another, then I was full on crying.

Now that it has been two, almost three years since he moved I have moved on. Of course I still miss him everyday, but I know he is ok where he is. I still see him alot and since it's almost summer I’ll see him a lot more this summer.

The author's comments:

This is about my brother leaving home for collage.

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