second best? | Teen Ink

second best?

May 15, 2016
By Caraowen BRONZE, Anglesey, Other
Caraowen BRONZE, Anglesey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is being second best really the worst thing in the world? I mean, even though you're not someones main priority it is nice to know that they do care - even if it isn't as much as you'd hope for. The truth is, i spend the majority of my life playing second best - if i'm lucky to be considered that high.

I spend the majority of my time wondering if i will ever truly be someone's favourtie person?

I've never truly had one best friend, i mean i've always had friends, but i've never truly felt like someones main priority,only their back up friend. I have never been the person someone turns to first for help or advice, but i've always been okay with that because i guess i always figured that someone would eventually come around the corner and i would finally be there main priority.

I always imagined that person to be a boy.

I know its a cliche and that every girl spends their lifes thinking a boy would be the one to change their life and bring happiness and delight, but i guess i just am a walking cliche.  However, not long ago i realised i wasn't even second best to boys. Its never easy being the ugly friend, even with people i never imagined to be envious of.
The majority of guys i know are attracted to at least one of my friends, and of course i'm happy for them, but i guess i'm always going to be jealous?

Is it really so bad for me to feel pleased when i see a friend being rejcted as a joke, because i realise that i'm not the only one with imperfections.

Is it best to clinge on to the idea of finding someone who'll prioritise you, or is it best to let go of the fantasies and accept that you will always be second best to the next best girl?

The author's comments:

I hope to relate teenagers who are going through the same thing to show them they're not alone. Writting is my passion and if i can help someone with that then i''ll be thrilled

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