Love Hurts | Teen Ink

Love Hurts

May 13, 2016
By 6mustafa SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6mustafa SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You knew he would break your heart… you knew it. You had a chance to get out but you didn’t. It’s like it didn't matter to you. He was so damn perfect in your eyes that you couldn't imagine him causing you pain. Now it’s only a matter of time before the darkness of the night overcomes you and it all comes crashing down and you find yourself crying at two am because you miss the sound of his voice. It will get better, it doesn't feel that way now but sooner or later you'll learn to move on...but you'll never forget. You won't forget the good morning texts, the long car rides to nowhere, the butterflies, the feeling of looking into those hazel eyes and feeling like he was made perfectly just for you. You’ll never forget the feeling of being completely happy. But that doesn't mean it'll never happen again. Please remember you were beautiful long before he said so and you will continue to be even when he's not around. It’s going to be hard but you're strong enough to make it through and I promise one day youll meet someone who will make it hard to remember how it feels to be broken and to be hurting. When a new special person comes into your life please let them. Please don’t cheat yourself out of true love because it didn’t work out once before. You deserve to find someone who thinks you were made perfectly just for them.

The author's comments:

I wrote this a few months back when I was dealing with some things... I decided to post it now. 

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